H290 Radio in a 2004 Elantra?

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by George T., Aug 27, 2004.

  1. George T.

    George T. Guest

    I am trying to install an H290 CD and Cassette in my 2004 Elantra. The
    dealer said that this was not an option, but the Owner's Manual and Shop
    Manuals both list this radio as optional equipment.

    PROBLEM: I bought the H290 (actually, H-295YFU) to replace my H260
    (actually, H265JU HECT-HMC). But with the volume control at max, the sound
    is very quiet.

    The H290 is stamped, 12 V, 2 Ohm, 5 A (CD and Cassette)
    The H260 is stamped 12 V, 4 Ohm, 10 A (CD Only)

    The Shop Manual describes three kinds of sound systems, but it doesn't say
    which head unit goes with which system. I am confused.

    1. Did anyone get a 2004 Elantra with the H290?
    2. Is there a power amp that would be required with the H290?
    3. Where would such a power amp go?
    4. What about the mysterious 3-wire connector that goes into the H290. The
    Shop Manual doesn't say what this is for, only that Terminals 1 & 3 are
    Ground and Terminal 2 is "Signal". This connector, ETJA001K, is not
    mentioned anywhere else in the book, as far as I can see.

    My car dash is in 1,000 pieces. Please help so that I can put it back
    together! Thanks so much!

    George T., Aug 27, 2004
  2. George T.

    hyundaitech Guest

    I know that some units are externally amplified and some are not. I don't
    see sufficient technical info on the website to answer you. The parts
    department at your local dealer should have a nice picture listing of
    radios that will tell well you whether any particular radio is externally
    hyundaitech, Aug 28, 2004
  3. PROBLEM: I bought the H290 (actually, H-295YFU) to replace my H260
    (actually, H265JU HECT-HMC). But with the volume control at max, the sound
    is very quiet.

    The H290 is stamped, 12 V, 2 Ohm, 5 A (CD and Cassette)
    The H260 is stamped 12 V, 4 Ohm, 10 A (CD Only)


    Hyundaitech, do you think the problem could be an impedance mismatch?


    Neil J. Hubbard, Aug 28, 2004
  4. George T.

    hyundaitech Guest

    I found today that the H290 is externally amplified, so there's the biggest
    issue. I don't think anything available on the Elantra has an external
    amp, so there may be significant issues with trying to get an amp and
    install on this vehicle.
    hyundaitech, Aug 30, 2004
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