Gas Prices

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tom, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    You certainly seemed well acquainted with such undersized organs.

    Matt Whiting, May 9, 2006
  2. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest

    The wives tell me this during pillow talk. You actually think I'd see
    them? And why do you think I call the neo-communist RINO Bush-bots
    "cuckolds"? I've fathered more children through their wives than their
    own husbands have. It's all in good sport.

    Yours In Christ,
    johnsmith060, May 10, 2006
  3. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest

    If I had a nickel for every knucklehead talking about how he'd run me
    over with his hummer...

    Small penis cuckolds, each and every one of them. If they're own wives
    tell me that they have small members, who am I to disagree?

    Yours In Christ,
    johnsmith060, May 10, 2006
  4. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I'm not surprised the wives tell you how small you are.

    Matt Whiting, May 10, 2006
  5. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest


    Yours In Christ,
    johnsmith060, May 10, 2006
  6. Tom

    Eric G. Guest

    wrote in
    Your posts read like you might need to be struck by a Hummer or two. If
    you're getting the same reaction in person, then it is almost a certainty.

    Eric G., May 10, 2006
  7. Tom

    nothermark Guest

    Remember folks - trolling is the mark of the insecure......

    nothermark, May 10, 2006
  8. Tom

    marks4q2 Guest

    my sons 2001 excel gets 45-50mpg highway and 27 city.
    in the city he tries to go at least 41mph to allow lockup and overdrive
    to kick in.
    highway speed is rarely over 50mph.
    marks4q2, May 10, 2006
  9. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I didn't know they imported diesel engined Excels into the USA.

    Matt Whiting, May 10, 2006
  10. Tom

    JPH Guest

    Don't need a diesel to get that mileage on the highway if you only go 50
    MPH like they indicated. My 2005 Accent gets 37-39 on the highway at
    70-75 MPH speeds (actually 75-80 since I tend to drift about 5 MPH over
    the speed limit at times to almost keep up with traffic), so I wouldn't
    be surprised to see it get in the 40's at 50 MPH with that much less drag.

    JPH, May 11, 2006
  11. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I could see low 40s, but I don't believe 45 to 50 quite frankly. The
    only vehicle I've seen get that, other than a few deisels, was the
    short-lived Civic HX (I think that was the designation). And the Accent
    is no Civic HX.

    Matt Whiting, May 11, 2006
  12. Tom

    nothermark Guest

    Did an informal survey of SUV drivers yesterday. Most did not have a
    penis. I will leave the envy part to him. ;-)

    Amazing number of non white folks driving SUV's around here. Seems
    like the right vehicle for driving the unplowed side streets in the
    city and/or hauling the aspiring football/basketball sized kids.
    nothermark, May 11, 2006
  13. Tom

    Eric G. Guest

    Funny you should mention the Honda. A guy I work with, who swore he
    would never own a Japanese car, purchased a used Civic HX just about 2
    weeks ago. I'm not sure how many miles are on the car, but he was able
    to get 42 MPG on his first tank. His driving is 100% rural roads
    (mostly county roads with a 50 MPH limit). He doesn't even get to touch
    a highway. This weekend he is driving to Watertown, NY and expects to
    get over 50 MPG. We'll see.

    Back to the topic at hand. I believe he may have hit 45-50 MPG on one
    or two tanks, but overall I'm fairly suspect of an average near that.

    Eric G., May 11, 2006
  14. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest

    Are you an idiot when it comes to legitimate samples in statistics?
    You do not count entries in the sample population that do not
    correspond with a penis. Therefore, you do not count females in the
    sample population. The MALES who drive the SUVs are by in majority,
    the cuckold neo-communist RINO Bush-bots. My own informal survey of
    the GOP housewives I've slept with states that. However, my evidence
    is only anecdotal, and is not a scientific survey.
    I've hardly seen a niglet or spicola drive an SUV around where I've
    been. I wonder where you're at?

    My prediction: you will glibly reply to my racial comments to evade the
    assertion. Don't feel bad. Usenet stupidity mandates you do.

    Yours In Christ,
    johnsmith060, May 11, 2006
  15. Tom

    nothermark Guest

    just counted the number of SUV drivers. Mstly not male. Given the
    local politics, mostly Democrats.
    Upstate NY, city doesn't matter. Trend is accross the state.
    BTW, comment about why is also from past surveys of
    friends/customers/co-workers. Big wheels on SUV's handle potholes and
    unplowed side streets better. Big kids take up a lot of room even
    without their "stuff".
    About as right as you were about the rest.


    As Cosby would say RIIIIIIIGGGHHTTT!!!!

    You whole troll is offensive and stupid, but I suppose you knew that
    when you wrote it.
    nothermark, May 11, 2006
  16. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest

    Asshole...I told you. Eliminate females from the sample population.
    You are left with more than enough cuckolds and small penis males in
    the population. "Small penis" also implies males who are not
    comfortable with their own penis which may be of adequate size. What
    you WON'T find, from the wives I've banged, is that their penises are
    never large.
    Then samples from suburbs matters more. Down here in the south, there
    are wayyyyyyy too many SUV drivers for the pleasant weather we have.
    They're just stupid rednecks anyway. So, maybe my presumption only
    applies to NC residents.
    **** you.

    Yours In Christ,
    johnsmith060, May 11, 2006
  17. Tom

    Eric G. Guest

    wrote in

    This is really funny. Almost to the point of being really sad.
    Eric G., May 11, 2006
  18. Tom

    Bob Adkins Guest

    You just joined my ZERO CREDIBILITY list.
    Bob Adkins, May 11, 2006
  19. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest

    Thank you. Now go **** yourself

    Yours In Christ,
    John the militant vegetarian
    johnsmith060, May 11, 2006
  20. Tom

    Eric G. Guest

    wrote in
    Gee, John, every one of your posts has something to do with sex in one way
    or another. It might be time for you to get some.

    And what exactly is a militant vegetarian? Do you go out and hunt and kill
    vegetables? Wouldn't that be in violation of the teachings of Christ?

    Eric G., May 11, 2006
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