[QUOTE="tjnamtiw"] 1. Don't meet safety standards............... Who makes the safety standards? Government. Why do the Smart Cars meet Germany's safety standards, where traffic is very heavy as well as fast? Could it be that our safety standards are over-Nadirized, as most government programs are burdened with too much red tape and redundancy? 2. Don't meet emission standards.............. As I said far up this PIA post, Germany is so 'Green' in all aspects that it is hard to believe that we need emission standards better than them. Who sets the emission standards? Government. Again, out of control while we try to save the world at our own expense. 3. Market analysis suggests................ Talk about an oxymoron!!!!!!!!!! Can't blame this one on the Government, but you sure can blame it on the industry. Yes, this country is full of fools who still buy huge SUV's just to outdo their friends and neighbors and the profit margins are much higher on those beasts. In this case, God forbid, we have to rely on the government to push for smaller cars. Tax by weight or horsepower as they do in Europe. I've been too close to Market Analysts all my life to put any credence in their findings. All I see around here on all the car lots are lines of full sized pickups and SUV's that have been sitting there forever. Boy, those analysts were right on, weren't they?[/QUOTE] So when are you moving to Europe, more specifically Germany, since it suits you so much better? Ah, I thought so... Matt