Fill out a survey, chance to win $100 cash

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dawn, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. Dawn

    Dawn Guest

    Graduate students at the George Washington University would like to
    know your thoughts and feeling about midsize sedan cars.

    The survey is anonymous, however you may provide your contact
    information at the end of the survey if you wish to be entered in the
    drawing for a $100 cash prize.

    Your information will not be used for any other purpose and it will be
    kept strictly private. We will not divulge any personal information to
    a third party.

    The drawing will be on or about April 20. The winner will be notified
    by April 25.

    Your help is greatly appreciated. Please email with any questions. You
    may access the survey through this link:
    Dawn, Apr 4, 2007
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