Engine Miss

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. John

    John Guest

    2000 1800cc J2 Lantra. Under load occasionally the engine feels its running
    on 2 or 3 cylinders. One revs > 1500 rpm no problem. Gentle acceleration no
    problem. If it were a carby I,d say the fuel pump on carby was defunct but
    on fuel injection?
    Newish spark plug leads, new ignition coil a month or so back.
    Any one point me in right direction?
    Many thanks
    John, Nov 9, 2009
  2. John

    hyundaitech Guest

    Sounds like a classic secondary ignition issue. Recheck your spark
    plugs, wires, and coil. If your check engine lamp is coming on, check
    the codes. If the ECM recognizes the misfire, it'll tell you which
    cylinder is misfiring. If you don't find anything with a routine
    inspection, you can swap the spark plug in question with that in
    another cylinder to see if the misfire follows the plug.
    hyundaitech, Nov 11, 2009
  3. John

    John Guest

    Thanks HT, ending up getting a new set of leads and plugs so we,ll see
    what happens. Wouldn,t have anything to do with a blocked fuel filter? There
    are no check engine lights on.
    Ta again
    John, Nov 11, 2009
  4. John

    hyundaitech Guest

    Probably not a fuel delivery issue. That would tend to be most
    prominent at high rpms.
    hyundaitech, Nov 21, 2009
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