Engine light and pinging noise questions

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by projektor, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. projektor

    projektor Guest

    Hi All,

    I'm hoping someone in this group will be able to help me out with 2

    My 01 Hyundai Accent is driving me nuts (no pun indented) with the
    engine making a lot of pinging noise (during accelleration, going
    uphill). I've tried using better gas and sometimes it it goes away and
    then I can hear it again. I also had the air flow sensor replaced -
    still the same thing. The car works great other than that, the funny
    thing is that some days it doesn't make the noise at all.

    I recently checked my engine light codes and it came up with P0133 and
    P0717. How do I verify that whatever needs to be done to rectify the
    problem associated with the errors is covered my the powertrain

    Great thanks!
    projektor, Sep 5, 2005
  2. projektor

    hyundaitech Guest

    1. P0133 represents front oxygen sensor readings that are too static.
    Check your exhaust for leaks. Fix them first. If you have none, I'd
    recommend replacing the oxygen sensor.

    2. P0717 is a transmission fault for the input speed sensor. It comes
    together with the output speed sensor in one piece called "pulse
    generators." I'd be secure with replacing them to address the error

    Start with the above. It's possible the cause of the P0133 is also the
    cause of the pinging.

    You'll need to have the dealer do diagnosis to verify what the problem is
    in order to determine whether the repairs are covered. Based on what
    you've posted, I'd say it's very unlikely to be a covered powertrain
    hyundaitech, Sep 6, 2005
  3. projektor

    Projektor Guest

    Projektor, Sep 6, 2005
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