Electric Cars to Invade Cyberspace via EV.com!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Zenwalk, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. Zenwalk

    Zenwalk Guest

    EV.com has been privately held since the early days of the internet
    and is for the first time seeking investment partners and offering co-
    ownership development rights for those businesses and individuals
    interested in the Electric Vehicle (EV) and Hybrid automotive

    Ken Burridge the current owner of EV.com and President of Escape
    Ventures (an international business and internet incubator) says he is
    ready to assist others catch and ride the eco-friendly green wave
    that's currently sweeping the planet by helping to promote and sell
    Electric and Hybrid vehicles using the EV.com domain name.

    EV.com is one of only 676 two-letter dot coms in the world and is thus
    considered to be one of the rarest and valuable pieces of virtual real
    estate in cyberspace. In addition the term "EV" has become synonymous
    to mean "Electric Vehicle", which could make the EV.com domain name
    the default website on the internet for information pertaining to the
    promotion and sales of the Electric Vehicle (EV) and Hybrid

    Escape Ventures is currently selling/leasing shares of EV.com and
    other related internet domains to help fund the promotion of Electric
    Vehicles and the green industry in general.

    Additional sales and contact information can be obtained on their
    EV.com test site.
    Zenwalk, Jul 19, 2009
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