Well, the Scangauge I bought is working great, and I thought I'd share the
new tank of gas mileage with the group.
In -pure- city driving, and we're talking not any free speed length of more
than a quarter mile, ninety percent on stop and go with lights and
stopsigns every two or three blocks. But decent slow driving.
At this point with close to half a tank used, 22.5 mpg. And still very
slowly dropping.
Frowny face.
Normally it's a mixture of freeway and town, which puts it around 26 to 27,
but this stint of stop and go really takes it's toll. The good part is
that I know it will get around 40 on the road, which makes it a little
But still impressively low I think.
new tank of gas mileage with the group.
In -pure- city driving, and we're talking not any free speed length of more
than a quarter mile, ninety percent on stop and go with lights and
stopsigns every two or three blocks. But decent slow driving.
At this point with close to half a tank used, 22.5 mpg. And still very
slowly dropping.
Frowny face.
Normally it's a mixture of freeway and town, which puts it around 26 to 27,
but this stint of stop and go really takes it's toll. The good part is
that I know it will get around 40 on the road, which makes it a little
But still impressively low I think.