Coupe SE engine rev problem

Discussion in 'Hyundai Coupe / Tiburon' started by koreana, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. koreana

    koreana Guest

    I have a latest model Coupe/Tiburon SE 1.6 which has a rather annoying
    problem with regard to the engine revs. When decelerating under engine
    load (not braking) the car tugs incessantly and sometimes just carries
    on going as if it is driving itself. When you stop at a junction the
    engine revs rise on their own towards the red line. The only way to
    stop it is to floor the throttle which brings it back to idle.
    The car is fully serviced and has never produced a fault code when
    interrogated by the dealer. I have asked two different Hyundai dealers
    to look into the problem and neither seem interested once the readout
    has shown no faults.
    I asked an independant dealer to look at it and he admitted faults like
    this do not show up on the engine management system and he thought the
    problem probably lay within the engine management system itself, he
    also thought the problem was dangerous!
    I found on the net another post similar to this but on the previous
    model, it had received no replies (posted in 2002) but it did say the
    throttle sensor had been changed and had not cured the problem.
    Does anyone have any ideas?
    koreana, Aug 17, 2006
  2. koreana

    hyundaitech Guest

    The throttle position sensor immediately comes to my mind as well. I'm not
    familiar with this particular engine setup for the tiburon. Does it have a
    cable from the accelerator pedal to the throttle body or is it
    electronically controlled?

    As far as repairing the issue, the service facility will need some
    indicator of what the cause of the problem might be. They'll either need
    to be able to duplicate the condition and diagnose while it's occurring,
    or they'll need some information from the management system as to the
    nature of the problem.
    hyundaitech, Aug 17, 2006
  3. koreana

    Humanvirus Guest

    floor mat?
    LOL...had a similar issue...just a thought.
    Humanvirus, Aug 17, 2006
  4. koreana

    koreana Guest

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    The accelerator pedal is connected via cable to the throttle body.
    The cable is free sliding with no hint of any resistance.
    With the pedal not depressed the cable is slightly slack (which is as
    to be expected).

    The carpet is well clear of the accelerator pedal (but nice try).
    koreana, Aug 18, 2006
  5. koreana

    hyundaitech Guest

    In that case, the possibilities should be limited to the throttle position
    sensor, the idle actuator, and an intake leak.
    hyundaitech, Aug 19, 2006
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