Correction to "My Radio Again"

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Richard Steinfeld, Mar 25, 2005.

  1. In my prior post regarding the Hyundai #H935 stereo in my 2000
    Sonata, I stated that this radio doesn't have Dolby compensation
    for the tape. I was wrong. The radio does indeed have a Dolby
    switch; it's the leftmost button. I couldn't see the logo. I have
    a really hard time reading the labels on the buttons -- they're
    gray on black -- and I couldn't see it. Awful human design. I'm
    still trying to understand why there are two each of the fast
    forward and rewind buttons.

    The tape section adjusts automatically, too, for tape type. I put
    in a Type II ("Chromium Dioxide" equivalent) cassette. The player
    showed the word "Metal" on the display. Although it showed the
    wrong tape material, it's no problem because the playback
    equalization for these two tape types is the same, and playback
    is all we're doing in a car stereo.

    The loudness knob is made with an un-reinforced hollow plastic
    tube inside the knob. Sure enough, the tube broke when I pushed
    on it at an angle rather than straight inward. This is
    ultra-stupid engineering, but the hollow plastic tube gambit is
    very common in Oriental electronic products, in one place or
    another. I was able to repair the knob: I fixed the broken tube
    with "super" glue, then reinforced it by filling the hollow
    surround with epoxy -- putting in the plastic that the
    manufacturer should have used in the first place. Their cost for
    making the knob properly would have been an additional .0001 of a
    cent US; my cost for the epoxy: about 35 cents.

    My other complaint was that when I cleaned the CD loading slot
    with my usual cleaner: isopropyl alcohol, paint came off. I wish
    that when wise-ass manufacturers paint and label their plastic,
    that they would refrain from using materials that dissolve in
    ordinary alcohol. It's always seemed dumb to me that the mfrs
    paint the plastic -- why not just mold in the color? -- then
    people could clean the stuff. Du-uuh.

    Evaluation so far of this Hyundai stereo:
    - Radio performance in urban-area reception: average on FM and
    AM. Fringe performance: ordinary (mediocre).
    - Power: adequate -- should be OK for anyone except antisocial
    - Distortion in these modes: acceptable in a car.
    - Human design: wretched -- the tactility stinks -- I have to
    take my eyes off the road to work this thing because almost all
    the controls feel the same. The oval pushbuttons don't have the
    distinctiveness that round or square ones do, and worse, these
    buttons are slanted. This stupidity is common in many car stereos
    nowadays -- I've seen radios that are far worse. This kind of
    deco design is actually a safety hazard because the driver must
    look directly at the radio in order to do the most basic
    operations (do designers have any brains?).

    The CD slot is designed to damage CDs by scraping them as they're
    inserted and removed -- nothing unusual for car stereos.
    Mass-market sound products have no respect for the user's

    Overall, the radio is OK. We don't need audiophile performance in
    a car -- in a car, you can't hear quality over the road noise.
    It's certainly good enough.

    Richard Steinfeld, Mar 25, 2005
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