Conned I think

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. John

    John Guest

    Bought a "run out" special of a Bosch GT40 coil from local supermarket 'bout
    a year ago. Being involved heavily with electronics I thought I,d check the
    thing out against a standard coil to see what they changed. Somewhat
    surprised I found the primary ( 12 volt side) and the secondary ( ouch side)
    to have almost identical resistances/inductance to a standard coil!. To have
    more secondary voltage you either need less turns on the primary or more on
    the secondary (or both). I,ve got a suspicion the only difference here is
    the colour of the "sticker".
    John, Feb 27, 2009
  2. John

    John Guest

    Sorry, meant this for a VW group.
    John, Feb 27, 2009
  3. John

    Jeff Guest

    Unless of course the wire size or core is different.

    Jeff, Feb 27, 2009
  4. John

    Leythos Guest

    Measuring the coil ohms has nothing to do with the power it can provide.

    The only way you're going to know if something has changed is if you
    install it and measure the output, the current draw (load), etc... There
    are several variables you can't measure with an ohm meter.
    Leythos, Feb 27, 2009
  5. John

    John Guest

    Too right, as previous correspondent mentioned resistance could be the same
    but having more turns of thicker wire.. "In circuit" test showed same
    primary current and current rise times into primary was all but the same.
    John, Feb 28, 2009
  6. John

    Leythos Guest

    So, it could be More Reliable and provide the same stats.
    Leythos, Feb 28, 2009
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