car got keyed

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by illusion123a, Jun 5, 2005.

  1. illusion123a

    illusion123a Guest

    Well I walked out of the bar this evening to find a nice little surprise,
    my car (an 02 accent) got keyed from before the drivers side door all the
    way back. The cop who looked at it said that the entire side of my car
    will need to be re-paintded, is this the norm? also how much do you think
    this would cost? I just went on my own insurance less then 6 months ago,
    and I am worried that my payments will go through the roof (i have GEICO)
    and was thinking that maybe i could pay for this out of pocket. Any idea/
    help? wow what a shitty night
    illusion123a, Jun 5, 2005
  2. illusion123a

    illusion123a Guest

    also if i report to my insurance how much do you think my insurance will go
    illusion123a, Jun 5, 2005
  3. illusion123a

    Eaton Wings Guest

    it may have to come out of your pocket. what is your deductible?
    Eaton Wings, Jun 5, 2005
  4. illusion123a

    illusion123a Guest

    my comprehensive deductiable is only $100, collision is $500.
    I was looking at it today, and they totally went through all the coats of
    illusion123a, Jun 5, 2005
  5. illusion123a

    Bob Bailin Guest

    Check your policy. A comprehensive claim may not count against
    you like a collision or liability claim would. So your rates may not
    be affected at all.

    Bob Bailin, Jun 6, 2005
  6. illusion123a

    fhm Guest

    Your comprehensive, minus the deductible, should cover it.
    Geico......that was you first mistake! They will raise your rates just for
    calling in to ask a question.
    I've been with Nationwide for 26 years, no complaints from me. Only had to
    pay an extra premium one time, for three years, when my son had an accident
    that was his fault. Otherwise, they have always taken care of any claim
    [cars or house] promptly with no rate "adjustments".
    fhm, Jun 6, 2005
  7. illusion123a

    illusion123a Guest

    well when i got the policy GEICO was 640 for 6 months compares to 1200+++
    from other companies. I get a goverment employee discount with GEICO, but
    if they raise the rates too much I will shop around again
    illusion123a, Jun 6, 2005
  8. illusion123a

    hyundaitech Guest

    I don't think insurance companies are allowed to raise rates for
    comprehensive automobile claims in most states.
    hyundaitech, Jun 6, 2005
  9. illusion123a

    theawesome1 Guest

    VANDALISM won't raise your rates............... and you made a police
    report, so you are safe.
    theawesome1, Jun 6, 2005
  10. illusion123a

    Jody Guest

    same here in canada,

    some twit swipped our accents left side front and broke the parking lamp and
    dented the fender..
    had everything redone under insurance and just had to pay our deduct.
    never changed our rates..
    here's a tip, if your going to a bar leave the car at home. i assume you
    were planning on drinking..?
    Jody, Jun 6, 2005
  11. illusion123a

    fhm Guest

    That's called "low-balling" to get your initial business.
    Just be aware of anything that could give them an excuse to raise your rates
    or drop you with little or no notice!
    Good luck.
    fhm, Jun 6, 2005
  12. illusion123a

    illusion123a Guest

    So far I have been surprised by GEICO's fast reaction. I called in and made
    the claim at 4am sunday morning, i was told that an claims agent would call
    me with in two days, i was expecting them to take the whole two days due to
    it being a sunday, but they gave me a call at 10 am (and woke me up, but
    thats ok in this situation). I was then told that an adjuster would see me
    with in two days.
    Then today as soon as I got to work 830 I got a call from an adjuster
    sayiong her would be there in 30 min. He came, did the inspection and had
    a check ready in 45 min.
    I then faxed the estimate to my body shop (who is a friend of the family)
    and he said that everything with the estimate is fine.
    Also after the adjustment, I asked the adjuster about my rates going up
    and he said that they WILL NOT go up becasue it was vandelism!!!! This
    made my day, but will see when i get my next 6 month bill. If it goes up
    it would be becasue of this, as i have had no violations or other claims
    illusion123a, Jun 6, 2005
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