Brakes (03 sonata)

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by sonata32, Jul 2, 2006.

  1. sonata32

    sonata32 Guest

    Every now and then when I am almost at a complete stop, I hear a sort of
    like grinding or rubbing sound coming from my front brakes. This does not
    happen all the time. I started last night after driving around town for 1
    hour. Prior, I did not hear that sound for about a month ago. I am sure I am
    nearing to get brakes on my car. I have an 03 Sonata VL with 66,500. The
    brakes our the original since I purchased the car brand new back in August
    of 03. As I posted before, I am on a fixed income. With that said, can
    someone suggest to me where I should bring my car to get new brakes at a
    decent price? How much should I be looking at to have new brakes put on? I
    understand that prices very depending where one lives in the US. I reside in
    Connecticut. I was thinking about bringing the car to Midas, Monroe, Sears,
    or the dealer. Any suggestions? To update my last post about my ac needing
    to be charged, come to find out that my ac was working fine. It just so
    happened to be the hottest and very humid day of the season thus far. It was
    just hard to cool down the car then most other hot days here in New England.
    I want to thank all those who answered my post about the ac concern. Hope
    everyone is enjoying their 4th of July weekend.
    sonata32, Jul 2, 2006
  2. sonata32

    Matt Whiting Guest

    With that many miles, it is likely that your front brakes are completely
    shot and the backing plate may be hitting the rotor. If that is the
    case, then you are likely looking at needing rotors in addition to brake
    pads. I don't know prices in your area, but where I live this would be
    in the $150-200 range. If you need pads only, then it should be $100 or

    I personally would avoid the shops like Midas, Monro, Wal-Mart, Sears,
    etc. I'd go either to a Hyundai dealer or a good independent shop with
    the owner's name on the sign.

    Hopefully, your rotors have been badly scored, but if they have, chalk
    this up as an important lesson. Preventive maintenance is almost always
    cheaper than running things to failure, especially if the failure
    involves taking out parts that otherwise wouldn't require replacement.

    Matt Whiting, Jul 2, 2006
  3. sonata32

    Bryan Guest

    Go to a Hyundai dealer get the brakes done, I did Sears 1st time I heard
    brake screech, then 6 months later had to go to Hyundai dealer.

    Bryan, Jul 2, 2006
  4. sonata32

    JS Guest

    You went to the Jiffylube of brake service (Sears) and they screwed
    up... So now everybody except the Hyundai dealer can't do brakes?

    Sounds like Sears shafted you with some junk parts. Hyundai's original
    pads are very good but they're by no means special - I'm fairly certain
    that Hyundai doesn't even make their own brake pads. As for the
    mechanic's desire to do a good job - thats only dictated by the mechanic
    himself. I've had entirely shoddy work done at a Hyundai dealership,
    I've also had plenty of good work done there... Same goes for most
    other mechanic shops. "Specialty" shops (jiffylube, midas, sears
    tire/brake/battery shops, etc) generally don't hire mechanics, they hire
    folks to do specific tasks without much understanding of how to really
    do the job - they just swap parts for a living... This is fine if its
    batteries, wiper blades, tires, and oil (although we've all heard about
    the untorqued drainplugs)... but nothing else.

    If you ever get a wheel alignment done by one of these types you're in
    for a real fun time :)

    JS, Jul 2, 2006
  5. sonata32

    sonata32 Guest

    I am going to make an appointment at the dealer for my brakes. I clipped out
    a coupon from their website. Its a free brake inspection if I get a tire
    rotation for 19.95. When I called I asked the service rep what do brakes
    start at for my car. He said 540.00-950.00 for parts and labor. I am sort of
    floored! Is it cheaper to buy the parts online and have them use them? Any
    sonata32, Jul 5, 2006
  6. sonata32

    Tunez Guest

    WOWOOWOWW Move to Vegas, we have some new places here called " Brakes Only "
    They do nothing but brakes and do all 4 wheels including Pads ( or shoes )
    and turn all 4 rotors or drums all for $99.00 !!!

    I would never take my car to a place like that but doesnt it seem that about
    the only major differance should be the labor ?? as you can buy a set of
    really good pads almost anyplace for under $20.00

    Tunez, Jul 5, 2006
  7. sonata32

    JS Guest

    Good luck actually getting a $99 brake job out of them.

    JS, Jul 5, 2006
  8. sonata32

    Mila Guest

    I was in a similar situation just today. My car is Sonata’03 bought in
    June’03-34,000 miles. I drive mainly in Boston. The grinding sound is
    from the break pad being completely worn off. It happened on my rear
    break. The cost to replace-repair varies 425-1000$. The first price
    estimate includes: resurfacing front roters, new front break pads,
    replacing back roters, new rear break pads and labor (done by huyndai
    dealer). Second price (at a local auro mechanics place) included front
    roters, back roters, break pads front and back, rear calipers (dont
    know what that is) and labor. I checked and it is not covered under
    the warranty since it is a wear of the car. Good luck
    Mila, Jul 21, 2006
  9. sonata32

    Mila Guest

    Yes regularly pads are about 20-30$ a piece. The way Sonata works is
    that you can only replace the front pads (the dealer can resurface the
    front roters). The back you have to replace roters as well. If you
    catch the wear on time then it is not that expensive
    Mila, Jul 21, 2006
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