Brake Question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jp103, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. jp103

    jp103 Guest

    Given the expertise of some of the participants in this group I have a

    Approaching a stop sign at 60 mph is it better for the brakes if I

    A) Slow at a steady rate over a period of say 15 seconds
    B) Brake at a higher rate of deceleration so that I come to a stop in
    say 4 seconds?

    Any opinions would be appreciated as I have had this discussion and
    there seems to be no "right" answer.
    jp103, Jan 4, 2008
  2. jp103

    hyundaitech Guest

    My primary thought is that if you stop slow and steady, it gives the heat
    more time to dissipate. That will help protect your rotors and drums.
    This method (at least on level ground or uphill) will also allow drag to
    slow the vehicle a little, saving fuel and brake wear (although probably
    not much).
    hyundaitech, Jan 4, 2008
  3. I agree with that. As for wear, it takes a given amount of friction to stop
    the moving mass. The brakes will generate approximately the same amount of
    heat, but the curve in temperature rise will be considerably different. The
    fast heating is more likely to induce rotor warp.

    The smart thing to do to minimize brake wear and possible rotor warp is to
    coast down a bit and then drop back a gear.

    An even smarter thing would be to drive closer to the speed limit in the
    first place. :)
    Edwin Pawlowski, Jan 4, 2008
  4. jp103

    Bob Guest

    That comment is certainly reasonable with the given example...... I don't
    know of many stop signs in 60 mph zones. Of course, if you were approaching
    a red traffic light at 65 mph, that would change everything.
    Bob, Jan 4, 2008
  5. jp103

    jp103 Guest

    The smart thing to do to minimize brake wear and possible rotor warp
    is to
    coast down a bit and then drop back a gear.

    I would rather replace pads and rotors than clutches or add stress to an

    An even smarter thing would be to drive closer to the speed limit in the
    first place. :)

    Exiting the freeway (speed limit 70) there is a short ramp (angled down)
    approaching a T, light controlled intersection. With traffic on my
    bumper I don't have the option to slow down prior to getting off. Well
    I do, I suppose, but then I would be one of those people that I
    occasionally talk about slowing down on the freeway :).

    My point of inquiry was whether a slow application of friction/build up
    of heat was better than a quicker one. Rather than the dissipation of
    heat it is a question of a slow or rapid build up of heat, if one method
    produces more heat than another and whether the slow process wears the
    pads more than a more rapid approach.

    I suspect that it is really a moot point as one way uses the pads longer
    as opposed to using the pads harder. Unless, of course the pads are
    worn quicker with one application or another.
    jp103, Jan 4, 2008
  6. jp103

    jp103 Guest

    I would rather replace pads and rotors than clutches or add stress to
    an automatic.

    Exiting the freeway (speed limit 70) there is a short ramp (angled
    down) approaching a T,
    light controlled intersection. With traffic on my bumper I don't have
    the option to slow
    down prior to getting off. Well I do, I suppose, but then I would be
    one of those people
    that I occasionally talk about slowing down on the freeway :) .

    My point of inquiry was whether a slow application of friction/build up
    of heat was better
    than a quicker one. Rather than the dissipation of heat it is a
    question of a slow or rapid
    build up of heat, if one method produces more heat than another and
    whether the slow process
    wears the pads more than a more rapid approach.

    I think you are right about the lower curve of heat build up.

    Thanks for the responses.
    jp103, Jan 4, 2008
  7. FWIW, I've driven on some rural highways with high speed limits that
    actually have traffic lights every few miles. IIRC, they were in
    Delaware and the Carolinas.
    Brian Nystrom, Jan 4, 2008
  8. jp103

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Around here there are lots of stop signs in 55mph zones - not so far from
    the 60mph the OP referenced.
    Mike Marlow, Jan 4, 2008
  9. jp103

    hyundaitech Guest

    Here's the deal. Except for nearly negligible wind drag/rolling resistance
    losses, you're generating the same amount of heat either way. Brakes are
    nearly 100% efficient in their conversion of your vehicle's kinetic energy
    to heat energy. The more quickly you add heat, the higher the rotor
    temperature will become, because it dissipates the heat at a slower rate
    than it is absorbed when braking. In fact, the heat dissipation is indeed
    the important factor for this reason.
    hyundaitech, Jan 4, 2008
  10. jp103

    Matt Whiting Guest

    It depends somewhat on how you define better, but if I assume that by
    better you mean less wear and lower brake peak temperatures and less
    thermal strain to the brake components, then a long and gradual stop is
    better than a rapid stop.

    Matt Whiting, Jan 5, 2008

  11. Around here, we have a sense of humor about such comments. When I was 17 or
    so, it was not uncommon to see how fast I could go and still make the stop
    sign on the corner. And I could not understand why the insurance company
    would charge me more than some 30 year old.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Jan 5, 2008
  12. jp103

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Damn that sense of humor thing. It's so easy to miss sometimes...
    Mike Marlow, Jan 5, 2008
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