Are Santa Fe's any good ?

Discussion in 'Hyundai Santa Fe' started by desgnr, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. desgnr

    desgnr Guest

    Would you recommend a Santa Fe ??????
    desgnr, Apr 26, 2008
  2. Depends on what you want to do with it.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Apr 26, 2008
  3. desgnr

    Wayne Moses Guest

    What sort of opinions do you expect going into a Hyundai newsgroup and
    asking such a question?

    Of course I (we?) recommend the Santa Fe, provided its intended
    purpose is in keeping with its designed mission.

    I suggest for more unbiased opinions, you check publications such as
    Consumer Reports and auto magazines, and even online review sources
    such as Edmund's.

    Wayne Moses,
    2008 Hyundai Santa Fe Limited
    Wayne Moses, Apr 26, 2008
  4. desgnr

    Finn Guest

    what do you want if for?
    It not a weekend 4x4 to go play with the boys,
    it is a bit thirsty so be ready to up your gas budget...

    what are your needs,
    Finn, Apr 29, 2008
  5. desgnr

    Wayne Moses Guest

    Compared with what? Not a Yukon, Expedition or some other war tank.

    Mine just crossed 1300 miles and I changed oil and filter to Mobil 1
    0W-30 and already I am seeing an average of 21.1 mpg on my 30 mile
    commute mix of freeway and some city. I expect to end up with a steady
    22 mpg plus.
    Wayne Moses, Apr 30, 2008
  6. desgnr

    desgnr Guest

    Just want a reliable SUV at a good price.
    desgnr, Apr 30, 2008
  7. desgnr

    Finn Guest

    I get an average of 20 miles to the gallon.
    I have 36,000 miles give or take a few, I only put mobile super syn. new car
    formula, and use super gas in her.
    Finn, Apr 30, 2008
  8. Then, that's your car.
    Mine is: 03 Santy LX, 3.5L V6, 38,000 miles
    18 MPG City, 24 MPG Hwy, can get 28 MPG in Hwy if stay at 50-55 MPH.
    Plain dino oil 10W-40 (I live in Florida, hot here, during the 3 cold
    months use 5W-30), change every 3,000 miles.
    Not a single problem yet ... hope stays that way 5 five more years.
    Vic Hyu Garcia, Apr 30, 2008
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