Anyway to get Hyundai parts in L.A. besides the dealer?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TH, Nov 27, 2006.

  1. TH

    TH Guest

    I need a bumper for an Accent. I've been calling both dealerships in
    the LA area (Santa Monica and Korea town) and I literally cannot get
    through to the parts department. I have been calling all day since this
    morning. I get transfered to dead air, I get transfered to a ringing
    phone that is never answered or to someone's voice mail and I have
    called 12-14 times now. I cannot get anyone on the phone from a parts
    department and need to find another option to get a bumper for this
    Hyundai. Anyone know of any other way in Los Angeles to do this? With
    superb service like this, I can safely say this will be the last
    Hyundai I ever buy. Thanks for any help with this.
    TH, Nov 27, 2006
  2. TH

    ']['unez Guest

    Did ya ever think about trying a junkyard..... sometimes much easier and
    definately much cheeper

    ']['unez, Nov 27, 2006
  3. TH

    Bob Guest

    Google "Hyundai parts" There are several sellers of Hyundai parts on the
    internet. Prices are generally lower than the dealer too.
    You'll have to pay shipping but usually no sales tax.
    Bob, Nov 27, 2006
  4. Then why do you keep calling the parts department? After the second call
    I'd be on the phone with the owner, general manager, or someone with some
    authority. Maybe they have a phone problem and don't even know it. Maybe
    they need a new manager in the department. Maybe they don't give a damn
    about you. Find out. Call a manager.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Nov 28, 2006
  5. TH

    TH Guest

    I just started calling parts places and found a place to get a bumper
    from. I'm not going to waste any more time dealing with a dealership
    whose last concern is actually customer service. What good would
    calling the manager do? I'd probably be sent to his voice mail anyway.
    I did send an email to their email through the website and let them
    know they've lost a customer.
    TH, Nov 28, 2006
  6. Apathy means the bad guys win. What good does a complaint do? I've had
    legitimate complaints and went to management. I've gotten a free oil
    change, a free car detailing, and GM even gave me a certificate good for
    $500 off a new car to be used after making the best deal. One reason for
    poor customer service is that people accept it.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Nov 28, 2006
  7. TH

    TH Guest

    The funny thing is I've been fighting Netflix for their awful service
    and got the opposite response of yours in the other groups before
    ("you're a jerk for fighting the great Netflix"). I am of the opinion
    that there is no such thing as good customer service. I honestly can't
    remember any instance where I received good customer service. I can
    give you a long list of bad customer service from just the past six
    months easy. Good service? Can't remember one instance.
    TH, Nov 28, 2006
  8. Apathy reigns, sadly.l I'm glad you are doing your part to change things.

    Admittedly it is overall bad, but I have had some good, or at least neutral
    experiences. There are a handful of companies that really value their
    customers. Lee Valley Tools comes to mind as #1. Our
    local Price Chopper supermarket has been good. Any business that cares
    about being in business welcomes customer complaints and the opportunity to
    resolve any problems.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Nov 29, 2006
  9. TH

    TH Guest

    I was thinking about this post earlier today when I went through
    (amazingly) some more bad customer service with both Verizon and ATT. I
    recently moved and turned off Verizon as my long distance carrier and
    was just using my cell to make long distance calls. Well, either
    Verizon or ATT (who is my local residential service) took it upon
    themselves to illegally reinstate the service on my new phone, even
    though I told htem I didn't want it. So not only did I have to go
    through a couple Verizon idiots who claim ATT did it (one lady was
    yelling at me that I called the wrong number even though I called the
    exact number on the BILL they sent me), but I had to go through ATT's
    hour long process of getting the correct person on the phone, which if
    you know ATT is an absolute pain (and ATT claims Verizon did it). When
    I finally got the right person at ATT to take care of it, she wanted to
    charge me for turning off the service I never wanted in the first
    place, it's utterly astonishing at the gall of these companies and
    their employees. It just reinforced my opinion that there is no such
    thing as good customer service.
    TH, Nov 30, 2006
  10. TH

    Miles Guest

    When you use words like never and always you shift the focus to yourself.
    The obvious question is what is it about you that makes people not want to
    serve you well? With many different companies and oportunities you are the
    common denominator.
    Miles, Nov 30, 2006
  11. TH

    TH Guest

    yeah, you're right. Why would people doing customer service want to do
    their job? Stupid me.
    TH, Nov 30, 2006
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