Anyone get lawsuit mailing?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brenda, May 16, 2004.

  1. Brenda

    Brenda Guest

    I am to get $250 gift card from AMEX for releasing my additonal year
    bumper to bumper to 6 years 72K miles. We do plan to trade in the
    2002 4 cyl Sante Fe when Hyundai releases a hybrid version within 2
    years as I was told by the Manager. He stated that Hyundai will be
    bringing out new cars every 6 months.
    Brenda, May 16, 2004
  2. Brenda

    hyundaitech Guest

    Actually, the plan is to have one new/redesigned vehicle every three months
    starting with the 2006 model year.
    hyundaitech, May 17, 2004
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