Any reviews on the 2003 Tib. Tuscany?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JustSomeGuy, Jul 9, 2003.

  1. JustSomeGuy

    JustSomeGuy Guest

    I'm thinking of buying one of these. Any reviews on this vehicle?
    JustSomeGuy, Jul 9, 2003
  2. Hm. Did you try Googling for "2003 Tiburon review"? The car is sold as
    the "Tiburon" in North America, and the "Tuscani" in Korea and
    elsewhere, and since you're posting from .ca , I assume you're looking
    for a Tiburon. You can buy Tuscani emblems for reasonable prices in the
    aftermarket and attach them without much trouble if you want people to
    see your car and say, "What the @#$% *is* that?" has some pretty well-done reviews. More biased reviews (as
    well as a YABBSE-powered discussion site) can be found on

    Or were you looking for "personal experiences with the 2003 Tiburon"
    from the folks on this newsgroup? Whatever you're looking for, you'll
    get better answers to your questions if make it clear what you're
    interested in. I've had my 2003 GT V6 Tiburon for 3 months now, so
    here's what I've found:

    Good price, good warranty
    Body style is very nice
    More cargo space than you'd expect
    Good acceleration, reasonable power (comparatively, your Tiburon is not
    going to beat a Vette unless you have an arseload of expensive
    aftermarket mods)

    Backseat practically nonexistent
    Lots of reports of clutch problems with V6 manual-trannys
    You feel every pothole/bump in the road
    Long-term repair record unknown since a lot changed between the 2001 and
    the 2003 models

    WRT winter driving, I've heard from a guy in Connecticut that his
    Tiburon was reasonably good in a 100" winter. If you get much more snow
    than that, either make the Tiburon your summer car or buy something
    else--I know I wouldn't have bought a Tib if I still lived in the U.P.
    The optional 17" wheels will *not* take snow tires AFAIK, so you've got
    to get a spare set of wheels and tires if you want to drive on the 17"s
    in summer. HTH, HAND.
    Dances With Crows, Jul 9, 2003
  3. Please retain attributions when following up. Attributions restored.
    Damn, first you get a better health-care system, then you get better
    cars available. I'm going to practice my Canadian accent, eh, and learn
    to like poutine :-] .
    Not transmission, clutch. Scuttlebutt from a fair number of people on says that the clutch on the 2003 V6 Tiburon/Tuscani wears
    out *very* quickly, like at 13,000 miles, and of course it's not covered
    under warranty. Some say that they used the same clutch on the V6 that
    they used on the I4, so various parts wear out much faster than they
    Dances With Crows, Jul 10, 2003
  4. They also get a much shorter standard warranty than we do in the
    States. So don't move just yet...
    Jerry Kindall, Jul 10, 2003
  5. Your NNTP client's news composer (or you yourself) are trimming
    attributions. Please don't do that. It's not a real problem in this
    thread, but a thread with lots of different people talking gets *very*
    confusing to read unless attributions are retained.
    Yeah. Well, all things in moderation, right?
    Good question. The regular warranty does not cover "wearable items",
    and the clutch is a wearable item. An extended warranty *might*; it
    depends on the exact terms of said warranty and maybe what you can wring
    out of the salesweasel. Some folks on have said that
    they replaced the stock clutch with an aftermarket racing clutch at
    about 13,000 miles, and had no problems after that. That's an option,
    but it'd probably be more $ than you'd like to spend (unless you're
    planning on racing this car.)
    Dances With Crows, Jul 11, 2003
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