Another Question for Mr. Hyundaitech

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rev. Tom Wenndt, Sep 4, 2006.

  1. I have a 2002 Elantra. I have been struggling with some alignment issues.
    At this time, it is "drifting" right as I drive. But, as I accelerate, it
    wants to pull right HARD.

    I know one should keep their hand firmly on the steering wheel at all times
    anyway (and I will and do), but have I got something else going on here than
    just an alignment issue? I can't say I have ever noticed any other front
    wheel drive car that wants to pull one way or the other when you accelerate.

    Thanx for your help.

    Tom Wenndt
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Sep 4, 2006
  2. Rev. Tom Wenndt

    hyundaitech Guest

    The pulling on acceleration is indeed a common occurrence on front drive
    cars and is called "torque steer." It varies in severity from vehicle to
    vehicle, but in most cases is quite normal.

    As for the drifting, we'll presume your steering wheel is centered and
    your alignment is within spec. If the car tends to actually begin
    steering toward one direction or the other on flat smooth pavement, then
    it's likely a difference in the rolling resistance of the tires. Often,
    rotating tires will reduce or eliminate the condition.
    hyundaitech, Sep 6, 2006
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