air bags

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Don, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. Don

    Don Guest

    my wife was broadsided on the passenger side of her Sante Fe (03 or 04 I forget which) by an idiot running a stop sign. My question is: why didn't the air bag deploy? Is there a sensor that detected that no one was sitting in the passenger seat, or was it faulty? ...the car was totalled.

    Don, Mar 2, 2005
  2. Don

    Jacob Suter Guest

    Front airbags only deploy on frontal impact. Otherwise its like getting
    in a wreck and getting slapped for no reason all at once...

    If it has side impact bags, thats definetly worthy of investigation...

    Jacob Suter, Mar 2, 2005
  3. Don

    Don Guest

    Yes, it has side impact bags.


    Don, Mar 2, 2005
  4. Don

    Zeppo Guest

    My '05 SF has a sensor that will stop the passenger-side air bag from
    deploying if it doesn't sense at least 40 pounds of weight in the seat. A
    small lighted message appears on the dash that reads 'passenger side airbag

    Zeppo, Mar 2, 2005
  5. Don

    Kippy Guest

    My freind in S Carolina is in the hospital in a coma. He was broadsided by
    a truck and the rh side bags did not deploy.
    Kippy, Sep 19, 2005
  6. Don

    sligo Guest

    Model and year. please.
    Hope he survives and recovers quickly.
    Seamus J. Wilson
    sligo, Sep 19, 2005
  7. Don

    Jody Guest

    thats awful to hear, was he in the passenger seat?maybye wassnt enough force
    to trigger the air bags, i hope he had his seat belt on.
    hope he makes a full recovery
    Jody, Sep 19, 2005
  8. Don

    John W Guest

    Sorry to hear about your friend. I hope he makes a full recovery. It's
    difficult to say why the side airbags didn't deploy without seeing photos of
    the car. I would say it most likely didn't meet the threshold to deploy the
    airbags. Unfortunately, even with side airbags an impact in that area can
    easily result in serious injury. There are only side airbags for the front
    seats, they don't offer head protection yet unless it is an 06 Sonata with
    curtain airbags. The Accent & Elantra have had side airbags in the front
    seats since 01 so I'm assuming it was probably one of those models? Those
    models do not have airbags for rear seat occupants.
    John W, Sep 23, 2005
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