Accord owner considering Sonata V6LX- very nervous

  • Thread starter Thread starter Robin
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I appear to be one of those people you're posting about who have
pre-conceived ideas about Hyundai, yet have never owned one nor do I
know anyone who has. I am now ending my current 3 yr lease on my 3rd
Honda Accord VS EXL, and really would like to save some money this time
around, and purchase a car rather than lease.

An acquaintence recently purchased a Sonata V6 LX, is happy with it,
but she's only had it 2 mos.

With all my Honda's, the car has never been in the shop for other than
regular maintenance (with the exception of one car one time when the gas
gauage wasn't accurately reflecting current level, problem was fixed
with the one visit to dealer).

I realize it has the excellent warranty package, but I don't want
inconvenience of having to use it. I've been spoiled by Honda.

I read the earlier post "Can't tell you how pleased I am with new Sonata
V6" with interest, yet while encouraging, not quite convinced. You know
what the "perception" of Hyundai is out there, I am not mechanically
inclined to fix a car or even identify what a problem might be if
problem arises. I don't drive a car hard, and by leasing, have always
had a new-ish car. Since I would be purchasing, I'm thinking about how
the will hold up as it gets into its 3rd, 4th, and 5th year.

On a consumer newsgroup, I posted a request for feedback on the Sonata
V6 LX; I'm posting the responses below (total of 10 of them). I would
like to ask you, as current or past Hyundai owners, to share your
opinions with me, and if you feel confident about becoming a Hyundai
owner, what are the reasons I should also. AGain, the warranty is nice,
but don't want need to use it. If this is important, I do 80% city
driving, 20% hwy, live in southern Calif (southern Orange County).

1)Stop right here. That's a reason why NOT TO BUY a Hyundai.
The only rason they offer such good packages is that they know their cars
are crap. My cousing bought one; 6 months later she was already running
into problems with it. She was so happy to get a Toyota a year after she
bought one. Crap cars.

2) *sigh*

Robin, your sentiment is unfortunately typical of the average car
buyer who make this kind of a mistake every day. Fortunately for you,
you did decide to get the "second opinion".

You are dead wrong in your reasoning: Hyundai's are more expensive
than Honda/Toyotas! Not up-front, but definitely over the life of the
car, no matter how long you keep it. The reason for that is piss-poor
resale value of Hyundai! You might save $2,000-3,000 up front, but
that Hyundai is going to be worth $5,000-$6,000 less than that
comparable Accord in just three-four years!

And if you're one of those people who keep their cars until they are
ready for junk yard, don't kid yourself with that warranty. The
Hyundai will die a lot earlier than Accord will, and it will be in the
shop a LOT more frequently. If you simply look at the Consumer
Report's summary of problems with the 2000 Sonata (that's the first
year they made it), you'll see roughly the same frequency of problems
as for 1995 Accord!!! That's simply mind-boggling!

I also hope you're at least trying to compare apples to apples. The
Sonata "V6", making 170hp, cannot be compared to Honda V6 making
240hp. It is comparable to the Accord's 4-cylinder engine that makes

And last, but not least, make sure that you really know what the cars
are SELLING FOR, not just what their stickers are. Accords, for
example, routinely sell at no more than 2% over dealer invoice. I'm
not saying that Accord may cost about the same as Sonata, but the
difference may be smaller than you think.

Hope you will make the right decision. Good luck!

3) Yeah, I totally agree. I've owned/own four cars, a Daewoo (Pontiac
Lemans, I call it a Daewoo since it was a Daewoo repackaged for sell in
America as a Lemans) Piece of crap car. I sold it after only havign it 1
year. Since then, I've only owned Hondas, Crx SI (owned it for 9 years,
66,000 miles and only one major repair during its life time ), CRV
(going on 5, no problems) and just bought a brand new 04 Civic. Not only
is Honda unbelievable in service and quality, but their resale value is
unbelievably high (My Crx sold for $11,000 ). My cousin owned a
Hyundai. She's hated since owning it for 6 months in. I've
talked to a co-worder who has a Hyundai, she can't wait to trade her car
in cause she can't stand its performance. Everyone I've known who has
owned a Korean made car (KIA, Hyundai, Daewoo) all have been unsatisfied
with their purchases. Not to say that korean cars are bad, but they
sure dont rank up their with quality for hte price. I also would
consider Toyota for my next purchase ( Supra's will be reissued
in a couple of years) and hteir Camry's have always been their best line
of cars. My last choice would be a Mazda (Mazda 6 or 3 or even the
Mazda Speed Protege).

4) And I'm on my third Mazda, 2 626's and a Millenia and loved them
all. Not one of the three were ever in for service other than normal oil
changes, etc.

5) Are you a Honda dealer perchance? I have a 2001 Hyundai Elantra
GT and it's been practically problem free. And to mention the
reliability ratings of a 3 year old model from the first year it
was out when it is obvious that there is data available for more
recent models just smacks of presenting only the most negative
information you can find.

6) I have a 2000 Hyundai, with a new engine after only 60k. Before
that, the head gasket had to be replaced, and the engine had to be
flushed several times over a year's period at over $100 a pop. I've
had to have the car towed several times because it kept dying on the
road. Not only is Hyundai totally unreliable, but maintenance costs are

7) Bill, why would you say such stupid things? It's really not like
you. I guess you feel personally hurt by any negative comments about
your car brand. I'll let the newbie-type "you must work for this company"
comment slide, but let me address your second point.

It should be obvious even to a 10 year-old that reliability
differences become more pronounced as more time passes.That's why I
tried to compare the oldest available model from Hyundai; that model
year is 2000. By the way, having a car in its first model year is not
the same as manufacturing your first car ever! Yes, all cars have
minor bugs in their first year, but that shouldn't influence the
long-term reliability much. Hyundai has been making cars for a long
time now.

Second, I can certainly use the 2001 model for comparison, even though
it's not yet old enough to show all of its true colors. The 2001 has 5
categories of issues that have 2-5% of owners reporting problems.
Honda Accord has only two. Again, comparisons of older cars are much
more meaningful than 2 year old ones.

I'm just curious, are you trying to suggest that Hyundai makes cars or
comparable reliability to Honda? If not, then what was the point of
your wild accusations? Regret about making a dumb car buying decision?

8) Buying a Honda doesn't guarantee reliablity. My Honda recently
blew a gasket and required over $1500 in repairs. It only has around
80,000 miles, if it were a Hyundai, it would've been fixed free.

9) >My Honda recently blew a gasket and required over $1500 in
repairs. It only has >around 80,000 miles, if it were a Hyundai, it
would've been fixed free.

80,000 miles? Do you know how much time that Hyundai will spend in the
shop before it reaches 80,000 miles? Most of us with jobs would
consider the lost time cost to be too high.

10) >80,000 miles? Do you know how much time that Hyundai will spend
in the
shop before it reaches 80,000 miles? Most of us with jobs would
consider the lost time cost to be too high.

not to defend Hyndai, but what facts did you use to come to this leap
of faith?
I appear to be one of those people you're posting about who have
pre-conceived ideas about Hyundai, yet have never owned one nor do I
know anyone who has. I am now ending my current 3 yr lease on my 3rd
Honda Accord VS EXL, and really would like to save some money this time
around, and purchase a car rather than lease.

An acquaintence recently purchased a Sonata V6 LX, is happy with it,
but she's only had it 2 mos.

With all my Honda's, the car has never been in the shop for other than
regular maintenance (with the exception of one car one time when the gas
gauage wasn't accurately reflecting current level, problem was fixed
with the one visit to dealer).

I realize it has the excellent warranty package, but I don't want
inconvenience of having to use it. I've been spoiled by Honda.

Go to the following web page and check out the reliabliability records
among the various makes. You may be surprised as to how the different
makes compare.

Robin said:
Honda Accord VS EXL, and really would like to save some money this time
around, and purchase a car rather than lease.

I am a V6 Sonata automatic owner with more than 33.000 miles at the moment;
it was one of first MY2002 Sonata here in Italy where Sonatas are rare to
see, and no problems till now, except a paint problem on alloy wheels solved
in guarantee with substition of them; besides this is my 3rd Hyundai, and
always been satisfied.
Compared to Accord, may be you could find less power in engine, but about
all other features no fear, at the moment Hyundai is a very affordable
brand: be sure only to choose a good dealer and make regular service

I noticed you had no replies here for a whole day and I think I know why. If
someone recommends that you buy a Sonata because they had a good experience,
you will be very upset if something goes wrong with yours. You already
believe from experience that Honda Accords are excellent cars. Therefore to
switch to Hyundai to save money would mean you are taking a risk on an
unknown. No one can promise that any car will be perfect as each is made
individually in an assembly line. You happened to get an Accord that you
know is perfect - why not buy it out now that the lease is over since you
know it's a good car? Maybe your peace of mind is worth the extra money over
what you'd save getting a Sonata.

To balance this view, I can tell you my father in law bought a Sonata 3
years ago, has driven it long distances, is very happy with it, and bought
it because Consumer Reports recommended it. In general it receives the
highest praise of all Hyundai models, and people are no longer afraid to buy
one because of the good reviews from respected magazines. To balance that,
some do have problems with their Sonatas. But read any car newsgroup and you
will see problems and repairs, and that includes the luxury models.

I drove a Hyundai Pony from 1984 to 2002, and am still fond of it, even
though I have a new Toyota, which I do not like. I would not get a Honda
Accord because they have some of the same features as the Toyota, and
because I prefer smaller cars. But you already know what car you are
happiest in. The time to change is when you are sick of your car, not just
because the lease is up. If it really is a matter of not being able to
afford it anymore, you can still drive an Accord somehow, even a used one.

Over and over again in reviews you will see that people compare a new
Hyundai to a 5 year old Honda. You can surmise from this that Hondas are
built to last longer. I believe this is because of the corporate philosophy,
in not cutting costs quite as much as Hyundai does. Hyundai prides
themselves on building a decent car at the lowest possible price, they do
not try to provide the same quality and luxury that the Japanese companies
strive for. They also have not been selling cars in North America quite as
long; it is possible they will catch up in another decade.

I can truthfully say that my Hyundai Pony, though I was satisfied with it
overall, did require repairs several times a year, which ended up costing a
lot over the 18 years we drove it. We loved the car so we made the repairs
but most people junked them rather than do the work.

From all I have heard (and driving my brother's used Accord), Hondas do not
break that easily. Right now it is one of the highest rated mid sized car in
the world, maybe neck and neck with the VW Passat, but considered more
reliable than VW.

Hyundais have character and personality, and the owners learn to put up with
the repairs and quirks. If you are not ready for that, and don't really
want to gamble, go with your true instinct and keep the Accord or get a
brand new one. If you really are adventurous and tired of leasing and don't
want to pay the price of a new Accord, you could get a Sonata. Why not rent
one for a few days to see if you'd really feel comfortable in it? I wish I
had done that with my Toyota - some things are not apparent in a short test
I want to thank you for your thoughtful and insightful response. You
have made some very good points, which have helped me to make a
decision. Because I place a high value on peace of mind, I am leaning
away from Hyundai and now considering more seriously one of the big 3
cars. Thank you again, and hope you adapt and begin to enjoy your
I bought my 03 Sonata LX back in May. I've had a few little glitchy
problems with it (my power driver's seat started creaking because it
gets pretty cold around here and a couple bolts loosened up, the LX
logo wasn't on the trunk upon delivery, neither problem took more than
20 minutes to fix) but nothing major. So far I've got about 5400
miles on the car.

A few more things in response to all the stuff below:

1. I'm not going to respond to this one. You can't take anyone
seriously who doesn't know how to spell.

2. There's some incorrect info in this post. Yeah, it's true that
Hyundai's do not hold their value as well as Honda or Toyota vehicles.
Still, why are you buying a car for the resale value? Shouldn't you
buy the car that you want to buy based on the features and options?

Yeah, it's also true that the 170 HP V6 is small compared to the 240
HP V6 that comes in the Accord. Still, the Accord is much more
expensive and it also weighs 150 lbs more. But let's do a quick price
comparison here. The Sonata LX comes with leather seating, climate
control, sunroof, electro-chromatic mirror, fog lamps, wood trim, etc.
and has a MSRP of $22034 To get those same features on the Accord you
need to buy the "EX V-6" model. The same options will cost you
$27982. That's a difference of $5948. Is the extra power really
worth an extra $6000 to you?

The truth is that the two cars aren't in the same league (in the US,
the China Sonata is another subject). If you can really afford the
Accord Sedan EX V6 then you shouldn't be seriously considering the
Sonata unless you are saving the money for something else (house,
children, college, whatever).

Finally, this post says that 2000 was the first model year for the
Sonata. This is as wrong as could possibly be. The Sonata is
currently on its 5th generation. Y1 was 89-94, Y2 was 95-96, Y3 was
97-98, EF was 99-01, and the current generation, the New EF (aka EF2)
is 02-04. A 6th generation (NF) is expected soon, probably in 2005.

3. Hyundai vehicles aren't meant to be performance vehicles. If you
really want to kick your Delta into gear ("Delta" is the code name for
the 2.7L V6 used in the Sonata, Santa Fe, and Tiburon) you'll have to
wait another month or two. On January 15th, US Hyundai dealerships
are going to be selling factory-approved performance parts through
H.A.R.D. Parts (think MOPAR or TRD). Supercharger and Turbocharger
applications are going to be available. If you can't wait that long,
Alpine Developments has a CARB-Approved S/C kit available right now
that will add about 50 hp and 40 lb-ft of torque to the wheels. The
kit will void your 10 year powertrain warranty but Alpine will cover
it for 3 years (at which an extension to the full 10 years is
available). Shark Racing will also be selling the 1320 Motorsports
T/C kit. I do not believe that it CARB-Certified or that they supply
a replacement warranty.

4. What does owning 3 Mazda vehicles have to do with owning a
Hyundai? Plus, neither the 626 nor the Millennia are still made.
What does that tell you?

5-10. I'm tired of typing. I'm not going to respond to these.
Hi there Robin,

One suggestion would be..if you are happy with your Accord, then why don't you buy it out from the lease? We have 3 Honda's in our household 2
Accords, and one Integra and overall, I have not had any major issues with any of the cars. I can't say I have had the best of luck with my sister's
99 Elantra though. The paint is not comparable to a Honda. In one section of the car, the paint has discolored and lost it shine. Hyundai refuses to
re-paint it and blames that this was cause by buffing too hard. I do wax my cars (and I'd like Hyundai to prove to me that it was caused by buffing)
so I can compare between the cars and the shine from my 95 Accord, still shines better than the Hyundai. Just recently I had to replace the spark plug
wires which is no biggie, but considering that my Accord has over 110k and has not been changed yet, why should they have failed? Now we have this
fuel line issue which I just posted yesterday that I have to fix. I hope that this isn't a trend in failing parts...My friend had a 94 Sonata and
after the warranty expired it was nothing put one failing part after another. I'm not saying that these are major parts that are failing but still it
shouldn't happen. Food for thought.

Hi there Robin,

One suggestion would be..if you are happy with your Accord, then why
don't you buy it out from the lease? We have 3 Honda's in our household 2
Accords, and one Integra and overall, I have not had any major issues with any
of the cars. I can't say I have had the best of luck with my sister's
99 Elantra though. The paint is not comparable to a Honda. In one section of
the car, the paint has discolored and lost it shine. Hyundai refuses to
re-paint it and blames that this was cause by buffing too hard. I do wax my
cars (and I'd like Hyundai to prove to me that it was caused by buffing)
so I can compare between the cars and the shine from my 95 Accord, still shines
better than the Hyundai. Just recently I had to replace the spark plug
wires which is no biggie, but considering that my Accord has over 110k and has
not been changed yet, why should they have failed? Now we have this

Well, expect to have some problems with distributor and EGR, which your
sister's car doesn't have.
fuel line issue which I just posted yesterday that I have to fix. I hope that

You really shouldn't mess with anything under the hood if you can't tell
whether the Elantra has a distributor.
One CURRENT web article says it all:

From: A two Hyundai Family! (02 XG350L & 02 Santa Fe LX), both top of
the line!

I could buy a third one in case one of them failed and still have
money left over instead of buying two Accords (loaded)!!!

By the way, I have owned over 18 BRAND NEW Fords in my life (not by
choice mind you, company cars) and Hyundai is FAR more reliable than a
Ford. I also owned three Dodges and a Porsche. Same holds true for the
Dodge's (Porsche, there is no substitute).

To each his own.

Take any story with a grain of salt.

Not Hyundai related but anyway.
Back in the early/mid 90's, my friend was looking at cars and decided to
go with the Nissan Altima. His reasons were reliabilty, good track
record of Nissan, poor track record of American cars. At the time I had
a 91 Mustang GT. We argued back and forth about many things but bottom
line, he bought the Altima. Within the first year, he to get his
transmission replaced. The next year, his alternator replaced and in
the shop several times for random stalling. The third year for a power
steering noise and an idler for the belts. The forth year, he sold it.
To this day 13 years later, I still have my Mustang and it has over
150k miles very hard driven miles. The replacement parts are available
everywhere and they are dirt cheap. I've only had to put about $1500
into it so far and some of that was "wear items" like the clutch at 125K
miles and an cat back exhaust at 150k miles.

I don't really have a point of my story. I guess you win some and loose
random said:
To each his own.

Take any story with a grain of salt.

Not Hyundai related but anyway.
Back in the early/mid 90's, my friend was looking at cars and decided to
go with the Nissan Altima. His reasons were reliabilty, good track
record of Nissan, poor track record of American cars. At the time I had
a 91 Mustang GT. We argued back and forth about many things but bottom
line, he bought the Altima. Within the first year, he to get his
transmission replaced. The next year, his alternator replaced and in
the shop several times for random stalling. The third year for a power
steering noise and an idler for the belts. The forth year, he sold it.
To this day 13 years later, I still have my Mustang and it has over
150k miles very hard driven miles. The replacement parts are available
everywhere and they are dirt cheap. I've only had to put about $1500
into it so far and some of that was "wear items" like the clutch at 125K
miles and an cat back exhaust at 150k miles.

I don't really have a point of my story. I guess you win some and loose

I think your story IS the answer to my question about a car and probably
to life in general. There is a point to your story, and it's what
windmere and a few others have been saying as well. Haven't made up my
mind yet (Hyundai or other) but I have to say this group is one of the
gentlest, friendly, knowledgeable and helpful groups I've posted to (and
I've done a lot of posting!). My next idea is visit the waiting area at
the service dept of my local Hyundai dealership and talk to a few car
owners. Someone else made an excellent suggestion which I will also do
- rent a new Sonata LX, and perhaps an XL350 and drive over a weekend.
Will keep you posted. Happy New Year everyone.
I think your story IS the answer to my question about a car and probably
to life in general. There is a point to your story, and it's what
windmere and a few others have been saying as well. Haven't made up my
mind yet (Hyundai or other) but I have to say this group is one of the
gentlest, friendly, knowledgeable and helpful groups I've posted to (and
I've done a lot of posting!). My next idea is visit the waiting area at
the service dept of my local Hyundai dealership and talk to a few car
owners. Someone else made an excellent suggestion which I will also do
- rent a new Sonata LX, and perhaps an XL350 and drive over a weekend.
Will keep you posted. Happy New Year everyone.

Go to and then to the forum section. You can read a lot
regarding other owners experiences.

Old_Timer said:
Go to and then to the forum section. You can read a lot
regarding other owners experiences.


Hi Old Timer,
Thanks! I've registered and just spent more than an hour there, and of
course, couldn't log out without posting a question!. Thx again.

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