Accent Timing Belt

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by McMahon, May 28, 2005.

  1. McMahon

    Michael Guest

    Hmmm, I can't recall when I would have had a use for abs...........around
    11 years ago as near as my wife and I can figure and even then I avoided
    the dangerous situation. (driver running red light)

    This from a Canadian page:
    What you should know about...Anti-lock Braking Systems

    "However, cars with anti-lock brakes are up to 65% more likely to be in fatal
    crashes than cars without them, says a new US study. It appears that the
    problem isn't with the technology, it's poor driving habits and lack of driver
    awareness on how the brakes operate. Drivers who rely on technology instead
    of better driving habits to improve safety are driving down a dangerous road."

    Michael, Jun 9, 2005
  2. So what's your point? Are you saying we should all go back the stone
    age and live in caves? Are you saying we should all avoid advancements
    in technology altogether? Listen to yourself here. Did you assume
    that you yourself and everyone else in this newsgroup is too uninformed
    to know how ABS brakes operate? Anyone who doesn't know that ABS
    brakes should never be pumped shouldn't be driving anyway. It's pretty
    obvious that you have your own ulterior motive. You simply disagree
    with what I happen to value simply because you happen to be of the
    opposite and you yourself do not own an ABS automobile.

    ABS brakes can pulse the brakes to prevent lock-up thousands of times
    faster than a human being ever could. I would prefer to use technology
    to the fullest. It's just like saying "Doctor, you don't have to wash
    your hands and use sterile equipment when you operate on me. And no,
    sterile surgical gloves are not needed". Get the point? Why would
    anyone want to do such a thing.

    It's all a matter of using Technology CORRECTLY.

    There are more accidents with ABS cars simply because there are more
    ABS cars on the road than older or uniquiped non-ABS.

    <<<<"However, cars with anti-lock brakes are up to 65% more likely to
    be in fatal
    crashes than cars without them, says a new US study. It appears that
    problem isn't with the technology, it's poor driving habits and lack of
    awareness on how the brakes operate. Drivers who rely on technology
    of better driving habits to improve safety are driving down a dangerous
    road." >>>>
    eastwardbound2003, Jun 10, 2005
  3. McMahon

    Jody Guest

    in some conditions at what ive seen on car shows etc abs can actually be a
    hindrance for stopping.
    in deep snow some wheel lockup can be good to form a barrier infront of the
    tire and making the tire bit down through the snow.
    in some cases abs prevents your wheels from locking up, and thus stopping on
    a snow covered or gravel roads can take much longer because of it not
    allowing the plowing effect that the locked up wheel provides and is also
    reducing stopping effort to the brakes by pulsing the abs.
    now im not judging your driving style, but ive never had a problem with out
    abs brakes..
    I live in a northern climate of Canada and always use proper winter tires on
    all 4 wheels, and good rubber for the summer ( not to hard rubber)...
    Jody, Jun 10, 2005
  4. McMahon

    Michael Guest

    No, this straw analogy would only apply if I had said that there is no
    need for ANY brakes period , we are discussing the different types of
    soap and gloves but nice sophomoric try troll.
    Yes and your statement (ABS brakes have saved my life numerous times.
    More than I can ever count. ) was misleading somewhat......ABS is for having
    more directional control during FULL braking conditions to avoid obstacles.
    ABS only_slightly_ under some conditions shortens braking distance....

    If your statement is true then you need to assess your driving habits since
    there are many people that drive their entire lives and NEVER need
    BOTH full on (pedal to the floor) braking AND directional control at the
    same time to avoid an accident
    (in 1.5 million miles of driving I've needed this TWICE).
    Whether you are ignorant OR are playing at being ignorant of the ability to
    understand statistics for trolling purposes is of no importance to me so I
    won't delve into this.

    BTW for compact (re: light) cars with 4w disc brakes it has been shown
    that ABS braking distance is _increased_ in many cases.

    Michael, Jun 10, 2005
  5. <<<<BTW for compact (re: light) cars with 4w disc brakes it has been
    that ABS braking distance is _increased_ in many cases. >>>>

    Not only is it you who are the troll, but you're so full of shit that
    it's coming out of your own oral orifice.

    It was made pretty damn clear that the ability to steer under hard
    braking is vital in avoiding a collision.
    eastwardbound2003, Jun 10, 2005
  6. McMahon

    Michael Guest

    Hey **** you moron, I'm quoting experts in the field just
    play one on the internet.
    Well duh, you say that like I disagreed with have a definite
    reading comprehension problem.

    BTW You ever load up that 2002 Ford Taurus and trailer and haul your
    racist ,bigoted ass out of Ca or did they throw you out.

    This is boring 'plonk'
    Michael, Jun 11, 2005
  7. You just shot yourself in the leg!!! Not only that but you have just
    shown the whole UseNet world what an immature nasty creature that you
    truly are. Your Mom must have wept in pity right after she gave birth
    to your sorry as since she would have had an intuition that you would
    turn out to be not only a pathological liar, but a sociopath and a
    psychotic mental case who would murder innocent people so long as he
    forget his meds in the morning.

    Hey **** you moron, I'm quoting experts in the field just
    play one on the internet.
    Well duh, you say that like I disagreed with have a definite
    reading comprehension problem.

    BTW You ever load up that 2002 Ford Taurus and trailer and haul your
    racist ,bigoted ass out of Ca or did they throw you out.

    This is boring 'plonk' >>>>
    eastwardbound2003, Jun 11, 2005
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