Accent oil consumption

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by FCW, Jun 27, 2005.

  1. FCW

    FCW Guest

    For the first time, bought an Accent-96 ,1,5, 120K, which I noticed uses a
    lot of oil (at least compared to other cars I have owned).
    Approx. 500ml/1000 km.
    No oil leaks.
    What do you it a lot, or is it perfectly normal for this type of
    car to consume this amount of oil?

    Should I have bought another car ;-)

    FCW, Jun 27, 2005
  2. FCW

    Jody Guest

    i think alot depends on how prior owner looked after her.
    ours has 142 000 kms and uses zero oil.
    ive never had to add oil yet since we bought the '99 used in 2001.
    have you checked your pcv valve?
    try replacing that, if it's plugged or seized thatll make the car use oil.
    its only a 8.99 part (what i paid at canadian tire)
    Jody, Jun 27, 2005
  3. FCW

    RSCamaro Guest

    Find out where the oil is going first before you get upset about oil
    consumption. It could be as easy as the next poster says and the PCV
    is the culprit, or the rings, or the valve guides, or a leak that you
    cannot see, etc. I had to replace my oil pan recently because it
    rotted from the outside in from the no leak condition.

    RSCamaro, Jun 27, 2005
  4. FCW

    hyundaitech Guest

    In U.S. measure, (we really should change to match the rest of the world at
    some point), that's about 1 qt. per 1500 miles. That sounds reasonably
    normal to me, but it's definitely on the higher end of what I consider
    normal. If you're not seeing any smoke, I'd just keep the oil level full
    and keep driving. Even at 50 percent more consumption than you have now,
    even though you're leaving what I consider the normal range (my personal
    range, not Hyundai's), it's probably still not practical to attempt repair
    over simply keeping the oil full.
    hyundaitech, Jun 28, 2005
  5. FCW

    Jozef Guest

    My 1996 Accent has 194,650 miles on it with the original clutch at that. It
    loses one quart between oil/filter changes which are at 3,500 mile intervals
    max. I continues to have no other issues with the car.
    Jozef, Jun 30, 2005
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