99 Hyundai Sonata AC problem continued

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by bald, May 20, 2005.

  1. bald

    bald Guest

    I accidentally cut my last post short. AC works intermittently. It is a
    V6. I believe the compressor is OK because it only stops working when the
    AC clutch is not engaging. Do AC clutches start to fail with intermittent
    action or do they just quit? Seems odd that it works great sometimes then
    not at all next time you start the car. Any advice??? Thanks in advance.
    bald, May 20, 2005
  2. bald

    hyundaitech Guest

    Your A/C system has both high and low pressure switches. Being either
    over- or under-charged will cause the compressor to shut off.

    You also have a thermistor in the evaporator which will shut off the

    It's also possible that the ECM will shut off the compressor under heavy
    throttle. I haven't checked your particular car, but I know this system
    exists on many Hyundai products.

    If you're unsure whether it's the compressor, connect a test light between
    the compressor electrical connector and ground. Lamp off means the
    compressor's receiving no power to engage the clutch.
    hyundaitech, May 20, 2005
  3. bald

    bald Guest

    Thanks hyundaitech. I appreciate your input. It sounds like a good idea.
    I'll give that a try.
    bald, May 23, 2005
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