99' Elantra evaporator

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by Buckeyered, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. Buckeyered

    Buckeyered Guest

    MY AC evaporator went out and the cheapest estimate so far to replace
    it is 600.00 with an aftermarket part, Hyundai would not even give me
    an estimate until they had the part in hand but did say they run
    around 500.00 plus installation but they wouldn't give me exact amount
    without ordering the part.
    Is 600.00 high for aftermarket installed by Firestone?
    Buckeyered, Aug 9, 2006
  2. Buckeyered

    hyundaitech Guest

    I don't know the quality or markup on the aftermarket part, nor the going
    labor rate at the Firestone in your area, so it's difficult to say whether
    it's high for what you're getting. If its the lowest price you're able to
    find, then it's probably a pretty good price.

    As to why the dealer wouldn't give you an estimate, I don't know. It's
    pretty simple, really. Price of evaporator plus two pounds R-134a plus
    labor to replace evaporator.

    I ran a rough estimate for what we would charge here, and it's about $1200
    for the evaporator and case assembly, or about $1150 for just the
    evaporator core itself. Unless you're near a high-priced major
    metropolitan area, dealer prices in your area will probably be lower.
    hyundaitech, Aug 9, 2006
  3. Buckeyered

    JS Guest

    The part is $250 from rockauto.com. They shipped me a 4-row radiator
    for under $20, so I would assume they could do the same for this.

    $500 for an evaporator... sheez... this is a Hyundai not a Bentley.

    JS, Aug 10, 2006
  4. Buckeyered

    mdanehey Guest

    Try woodfins.com. I have been buying from them for years and am well
    satisfied with all parts purchased. They are one of the cheaper but reputable
    parts supplier I have found.
    mdanehey, Aug 10, 2006
  5. Buckeyered

    Buckeyered Guest

    I dropped the car off at Firestone this afternoon and they called
    around 5:30 saying that the after market evaporator that was delivered
    is identical except for the expansion valve mounting, they said one
    fitting is to small on the original expansion valve and that all the
    parts houses only list one evaporator for this car.
    So now they have to wait until tomorrow to call Hyundai and see if
    there is another expansion valve or if there is another evaporator.
    Buckeyered, Aug 11, 2006
  6. Buckeyered

    Buckeyered Guest

    Thanks for the help and links everyone.
    Buckeyered, Aug 11, 2006
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