99 accent tire wear

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by Jody, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. Jody

    Jody Guest

    i noticed our accents wearing its front tires on the inner edges...
    what would cause this? cars front end is in good shape..
    weve never done a alignment yet, but 4 months ago they replaced out axels
    and tie rod and reset the toe in i think...
    our stearingwheel is cocked just a notch to the left when driving forward in
    a straigiht line, minor pull to the right, thats the tire with most side
    Jody, Sep 14, 2005
  2. Jody

    hyundaitech Guest

    Sounds like excessive toe out. I'd start by taking it in and explaining
    your issue, fully expecting to do an alignment.
    hyundaitech, Sep 14, 2005
  3. Jody

    Jody Guest

    cool, i kinda was wondering about that....
    i can show them the tires too, thyre ruined now good thing only 19.99 each
    at the time =)
    Jody, Sep 14, 2005
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