99 Accent front brake question

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by nothermark, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. nothermark

    nothermark Guest

    I am about to put in my third set of pads since December. The rotors
    are chewed and I plan on replacing them. I don't recall any
    particular binding when I changed the pads in March. What bothers me
    is that I was getting years instead of months out of pads until last
    December when I started this cycle.

    1. Anyone have any thoghts on why the pads are going so fast? As in
    what should I specifically check?

    2. Anyone changed the front rotors and have any insight? It appears
    I have a major task on my hands there.
    nothermark, Apr 22, 2005
  2. nothermark

    Jody Guest

    uhh i know this sounds odd but make sure your e brake is properly adjusted.
    if you dont have just under 1 inch free play when u pull the handle up..
    have it reajusted from under the lil console thats around the e brake
    see what happens after that....
    Jody, Apr 22, 2005
  3. nothermark

    nothermark Guest

    Uh, that's the rear brake. My problem is front pads scrubbing off.
    nothermark, Apr 22, 2005
  4. nothermark

    hyundaitech Guest

    Jody is suggesting that you will work your front brakes harder if your rear
    brakes are loose. It's worth checking.

    Did you change brand or model of brake pad? That will be a large factor.

    Have you changed your driving habits or is there another driver spending
    significant time in the vehicle? I had a customer once whose brakes wore
    much faster after her son got his license.
    hyundaitech, Apr 22, 2005
  5. nothermark

    nothermark Guest

    It's not that. The problem is twofold. The rotors are chewed badly
    and I need to replace them. What I was wondering is if there are
    other issues as the outboard pad on the driver's side weard much
    faster than th rest. I picked up rotors and started to install them
    but when I figured out how many special tools I need to buy or
    fabricate I have about decided it is more than I want to get into.
    The brake design is such that I would think hard and long before
    buying another vehicle with that kind of design. Right now I bought
    another set of pads and will change just the bad one to buy time while
    I figure out what to do next. When I asked AUtozone about bearings
    they quoted me a rediculous price for a preassembled hub. Ithink I
    will go see just what that consists of. If it's the whole assembly
    with rotors the price will look much more reasonable. I will also ask
    the dealer what it would cost to just get the rotors replaced but will
    probably get hassled.
    nothermark, Apr 23, 2005
  6. nothermark

    nothermark Guest

    Found the problem with why the pad is wearing - one of the slide pins
    is binding so the pad is not retracting away from the disk properly.
    I freed it up with wd40 and neverseize but will replace the whole
    assembly next week. When I took it out I could feel the difference in
    the way the car ran.
    nothermark, Apr 24, 2005
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