98 Elantra Air Bag Question

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by Rosco, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. Rosco

    Rosco Guest

    I recently purchaseda 98 elantra with 104k from the original owner. The
    car has been sitting for a little over a year with a dead transmission
    but she recently fixed it and sold it to me. She said that she always
    had problems with the check engine light (i assume from the bad trans),
    but since I have been driving the car I have not noticed that light, I
    have only noticed that the Air Bag light stays on all the time. I asked
    her about this in specific and she said that the light never came on
    for her except for the test pattern during start up. Any ideas?
    Rosco, Jan 7, 2007
  2. Rosco

    hyundaitech Guest

    It could be that the key was on with a low battery due to the vehicle
    sitting for so long. You'll need to take it to the dealer to have it
    hyundaitech, Jan 9, 2007
  3. Rosco

    Rosco Guest

    hyundaitech cried out
    Rosco, Jan 10, 2007
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