98 Accent - Dead window winder, any fixes?

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by dddddhhhhhh, Nov 2, 2003.

  1. dddddhhhhhh

    dddddhhhhhh Guest

    The window winder (luckily only on the passenger side) broke a bit
    earlier this year.

    During the summer my passenger used the window winder over a couple of
    hot summer days (not too many days, being in the north of England...)
    and noticed each day that the window was getting progressively harder
    to wind back up. (Winding it down was no problem).

    I decided when I was free one weekend to have a quick look. I wound
    the window down, but this time it refused to go back up at all - no
    matter how much strength was applied.

    Not wanting to get stuck into a lengthy repair job I was forced to
    yank the handle off and use a pair of pliars (sorry, don't know the US
    name for pliars...) to turn the window back up. While winding it up
    the mechanism emitted an awful grinding sound.

    I've recently tried spraying loads of different specialist lubricants
    (don't laugh!) down the window edges in case it is the runners that
    are at fault but it hasn't fixed it. I don't fancy removing the entire
    door panel to have a look as I think this would entail taking off the
    door handle and I don't want to start a job that I can't finish

    Luckily as it is November now there's exactly 0% reason for the window
    to down again until at least Spring 2004 !!! I might just save a few
    pennies to have a professional fix done then.

    So to the question: Anyone else had this problem with this model, is
    it a well known problem on this car? And most importantly, anyone got
    a fix for it ?

    Cheers !
    dddddhhhhhh, Nov 2, 2003
  2. dddddhhhhhh

    Sara Nita Guest

    We have that problem with our 19996 Accent. It is a pain but so far there is
    no way of getting it fixed. THe winding mechanism broke on us about two
    years ago and the Hyundai Autobody shop doesn't seem to know how to fix that
    Sara Nita, Nov 3, 2003
  3. dddddhhhhhh

    Sara Nita Guest

    I ment 1996... :)

    Sara Nita, Nov 3, 2003
  4. dddddhhhhhh

    dddddhhhhhh Guest

    I got this reply from another forum and part of it caught my eye. This
    is the reply I got:

    "my 95 had a similar problem where it became stiff to roll up. It
    turned out that the window came loose from the little clip that holds
    the window that is attached to the regulator assembly and was going up
    a little bit crooked and catching on the side moldings. It is only
    held in by some black goop type of substance. Anyways I took it all
    apart and reattached with some new goop and it working OK now. Its
    hard to line up perfectly. They also may have changed between 95 and

    The bit that caught my eye was where it says the window came up
    "crooked" as that's exactly what mine does. The solution suggested
    sounds a bit cryptic so I think i'll pass on it, but I thought I'd
    post this in case it helps you to solve your problem. Thanks !
    dddddhhhhhh, Nov 3, 2003
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