94 Excel Clutch...again

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rob, Dec 29, 2005.

  1. Rob

    Rob Guest

    I replaced and bled the slave cylinder on my daughters Excel. (you were
    right again Hyundaitech) However The clutch now engages and disengages right
    on the floor, less than 1/2 inch from the bottom. Is there some way to
    adjust this that I am missing?
    Rob, Dec 29, 2005
  2. Sounds like you still have air in the line. Try bleeding it again.

    Screwtape III, Dec 29, 2005
  3. The other possibility is that the master cylinder is also shot. If
    bleeding it again doesn't work, that's most likely the case. What often
    happens is that moisture gets into the system over time and causes
    corrosion in both the master and slave cylinders. If the clutch fluid
    wasn't changed periodically, I'll bet that's what happened.

    When bleeding the clutch, this is the procedure I use:

    1- Top off the fluid in the master cylinder with NEW fluid.

    2- Attach a drain tube to the fitting and stick the other end in a jar.

    3- Open the fitting 1/4 - 1/2 turn.

    4- Have an assistant depress the clutch fully and HOLD IT TO THE FLOOR.

    5- Tighten the fitting. This prevents air from getting back in.

    6- Have your assistant pump up the clutch again.

    7- Repeat steps 3-6 until no bubbles are seen and clean fluid is flowing
    through the system. Periodically check the fluid level in the master
    cylinder and top it off. If the fluid gets too low, you'll have to start
    all over again.

    8- When you're finished bleeding the system, top off the fluid level.
    Brian Nystrom, Dec 30, 2005
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