93 Sonata CV joints

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by PMDR, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. PMDR

    PMDR Guest

    Friend of mine is looking at buying a 93 Sonata with 170K miles. The
    car is $500 however the seller says it needs some sort of CV joint
    work. Not sure how bad they actually are.

    Is this car one that can run for a long time on clicking CVs or do they
    tend to roll over and die right away?

    Assuming all four CVs are bad, anyone have a ballpark idea on how much
    labor would be involved to replace them? Guess it's two half shafts
    like most cars. Not sure.

    Overall reliability/thoughts on this model Sonata? My friend is kinda
    strapped for cash so he'd rather not get into a can of worms.

    PMDR, Oct 18, 2006
  2. PMDR

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Prices vary across the country. Tell us where you live and someone will
    probably be able to give you an idea based on what they paid near you. Here
    in upstate NY I pay around $75 for re-man'd half shafts and install them
    Mike Marlow, Oct 19, 2006
  3. PMDR

    hyundaitech Guest

    The cv joints usually run awhile before something ugly happens.

    As for overall reliability, not good. Both engines leak oil. The V6 can
    have valve guide issues. V6 automatic transmission reliability is not
    very good. 4 cylinder transmission reliability is horrible. 4 cylinder
    timing belts strip easily.
    hyundaitech, Oct 19, 2006
  4. PMDR

    PMDR Guest

    He's in the Atlanta vacinity.

    Our prices are probably comparable to yours.
    PMDR, Oct 20, 2006
  5. PMDR

    PMDR Guest

    It's the V6 version.

    I was told the car recently had a no-start problem and was towed to the
    dealer for repair. What caused it and/or what was done to fix it, no
    idea. It looks like the buyer is going to do the deal Saturday. And
    mechanics everywhere rub their hands with glee. ;)

    As always, thanks for the great info!
    PMDR, Oct 20, 2006
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