50 year old Hyundai

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by fred, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. fred

    fred Guest

    fred, Jan 26, 2007
  2. fred

    irwell Guest

    irwell, Jan 26, 2007
  3. fred

    Dan Caron Guest

    Dan Caron, Jan 27, 2007
  4. fred

    Bob Guest

    Actually, I found a picture of it before he got started with Photoshop.
    Bob, Jan 28, 2007
  5. fred

    Bob Guest

    Actually, that isn't even a picture of a car. It's a drawing.
    Bob, Jan 28, 2007
  6. fred

    Bob Guest

    I have a friend who served in the US Army in Korea during the 1970s. He
    told me there was a Hyundai car that nobody knew who owned it but it
    served as transportation for anyone in the barracks who needed it. There
    was no key, the locks were so worn out you could start it with a nail
    file. During the 3 years he was there he's pretty sure no one changed
    the oil. He didn't know what model year the car was but it had been
    there so long that whoever owned it got transfered long ago and no one
    knew who it was. He drove it a lot and said it was an amazingly reliable
    car. I don't know what model Hyundai it was or what year but he was
    there in the late seventies.
    Bob, Feb 3, 2007
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