2K Accent Clutch Problem

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by PMP4Hire, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. PMP4Hire

    PMP4Hire Guest

    Here in Phoenix, when the temps get into the
    triple digits, usually after 2PM, I seem to have
    a very very difficult time shifting gears of my 2K
    5 speed Accent.

    Otherwise, the car behaves well.

    Can anyone offer some insight on this problem?

    Tom in Arizona
    PMP4Hire, Jul 6, 2008
  2. PMP4Hire

    hyundaitech Guest

    What sort of difficulty are you having:

    Clutch doesn't disengage?
    Pedal feels funny? (How?)
    Won't disengage gear? (Which?)
    Won't engage gear? (Which?)
    Grinds when shifting? (Which gears?
    hyundaitech, Jul 7, 2008
  3. PMP4Hire

    PMP4Hire Guest

    I would say the clutch does not disengage?

    Tom in AZ
    PMP4Hire, Jul 7, 2008
  4. PMP4Hire

    hyundaitech Guest

    Check your fluid level. If I had to guess, (and there are no leaks), I'
    say you've probably got a master cylinder issue.

    I'm not overly comfortable of your assessment (the ? makes me suspect), s
    if you're unable to check this yourself, I'd recommend taking the car to
    competent shop at least for diagnosis
    hyundaitech, Jul 8, 2008
  5. PMP4Hire

    PMP4Hire Guest

    Correct, I replaced the master cylinder about a year
    ago with the same problem.

    Tom in Arizona
    PMP4Hire, Jul 9, 2008
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