2007 Sonata

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Vineeth, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. Vineeth

    Vineeth Guest

    I recently saw that the 07 Sonata is what is being shown on the Hyundai
    website.. Looks pretty much the same as the 06 I think but they seem to
    have changed the trim names a bit...
    Any updates?
    Vineeth, Jun 12, 2006
  2. Vineeth

    hyundaitech Guest

    I know of no significant changes for '07. New for '07 is the Entourage,
    and I expect significant changes to Elantra and Santa Fe.
    hyundaitech, Jun 12, 2006
  3. Vineeth

    Vineeth Guest

    Ok so I guess it is just eye wash with the name changes...
    Vineeth, Jun 13, 2006
  4. Vineeth

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Given that the 2006 was a major redesign, do you really think they'd do
    another major redesign just one year later?

    Matt Whiting, Jun 13, 2006
  5. Vineeth

    Vineeth Guest

    No I was not expecting any redesign! I was just wondering why they
    changed the trim Names. No GL verssion any more. So the GLS becomes
    Vineeth, Jun 16, 2006
  6. Vineeth

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Is the base still a 4 cylinder, 5 speed manual?

    Matt Whiting, Jun 16, 2006
  7. Vineeth

    Vineeth Guest

    They list the base now as the GLS & it is shown as a 2.4L 4 cylinder
    but not manual. I guess they have stopped the manual & you are left
    with the choice of shiftronic though I know that is not half as nice as
    a true manual shift.
    Vineeth, Jun 16, 2006
  8. Vineeth

    Vineeth Guest

    Actually if you go in depth on the site & look at options you still
    have a manual option. Which is the base!
    Vineeth, Jun 16, 2006
  9. Vineeth

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I checked their web site and it shows the manual being standard with the
    GLS and the automatic being optional.

    The main difference I saw is that fog lights, which I couldn't even get
    on my GL as an option, are now standard. Most other things looked
    similar to my GL.

    Matt Whiting, Jun 16, 2006
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