The difference between #1 and #2 does not seem so bad.
#1 and #3 are too high.
My thought, check with a good independent shop.
Yes, I would go for #2 for sure if I had the dealer do it.
I have a great mechanic I've been going to for many years.
Probably close to 18 years or so. Not only are we on a first name
basis, but he always does small repairs for me for nothing.
For instance, I had a burned out tail-light on my Saturn and he caught
it. (I didn't know about it) He put a new one in there and when I
asked him how much? He just waved me off and told me to have a nice
day. He has a professional shop with the same workers for years. But
when I bring my cars in, he works on them himself. He's put free
clamps on my exhaust system, greased up my hood cable and has done
several other thing, all at no cost. He even allows me in the repair
bay while he works on my car, something just about every shop won't
allow because of insurance reasons. He also doesn't gouge me (or
others) on parts. Sure, there's a mark up, but not like every other
place. For instance? When my Sonata needed brakes, I got the price
from the dealer and it was something like $1200.00 for all 4 pads and
4 rotors. Abe (my mechanic) did the job for something like $600.00. I
don't remember the exact numbers, just that it was a no-brainer. I
remember the dealer told me it was a 6 to 9 hour labor charge and my
mechanic had the entire job done in 3 1/2 hours. And that was waiting
for the parts too.
That being said? I'm not sure if I want him to do the timing belt. Not
that I don't trust him, more because of the extended warranty I have.
I really don't want to get it voided out if the engine fails. But I'll
tell you what, when I was at the dealer yesterday, they told me the
price to change my spark plugs (6 cylinder) It was crazy and went in
one ear and out the other. I know it's a little tricky getting to
these plugs, but Abe can do it for probably about 1/3 of the cost.
I'll supply the plugs, bought from the dealer and all I'll pay is
Anyway, I went on a rant. Sorry. That's what happens when I start
discussing ripoff dealers. So to make a short story long, thanks for
the advice. : )