2004 radio

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by den630, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. den630

    den630 Guest

    I have a 2004 Elantra GT with the Kenwood
    radio/cd player. This morning I started the car,
    turned on the lights and rear defroster and the
    radio went dead. The panel is dark but the cd
    part will accept and eject cds. There is no sound.
    The fuse in the fuse box is good are there any
    other fuses or is the stereo shot. Thanks for any
    den630, Nov 2, 2006
  2. Have you tried removing the faceplate and reinstalling it? It may just
    be a dirty connection.
    Brian Nystrom, Nov 2, 2006
  3. den630

    mykeymykey01 Guest

    in alot of these radios the panel
    illumination light IS the fuse.
    open the radio and you may see a bulb holder
    in back of the control panel. replace this
    bulb, it could solve the problem.
    this has worked many times. its a
    special size bulb you may need to
    order from kenwood parts. good luck!
    mykeymykey01, Nov 2, 2006
  4. den630

    hyundaitech Guest

    The fact that it accepts and ejects cd's means that you have proper power
    and ground, so checking fuses is redundant.

    If you had simply a no sound issue, I might suspect a shorted speaker
    circuit. But when the other issues are added, it definitely sounds like a
    problem with the radio itself. And Brian's right as well. It could simply
    be an issue with the faceplate.
    hyundaitech, Nov 2, 2006
  5. den630

    den630 Guest

    Thanks for the help guys , it turned out to be a
    faceplate issue. I took off the faceplate and sprayed
    it and the place it engages with some contact cleaner.
    den630, Nov 3, 2006
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