2004 Hyundai Elantra 16 AMP power draw

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by JSharpe1213, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. JSharpe1213


    Jan 13, 2012
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    hi my friend has a 2004 hyundai elantra that has some sort of parasitic draw, when you leave the car for awhile it goes dead. If you charge the battery it will start right up with no problems whatsoever. We took the alternator out and the battery, had them both tested at advance auto parts, they both had no problems so we put them back in and it started just fine, we went back to advance and they did a test on the car that said it had a 16 AMP (not mA, AMP) power draw when its just sitting, later that night we were driving and the headlights and taillights went dimmer and dimmer, the odometer went blank and start flashing and everything slowly went dead. We got over the bridge and parked the car to check to see if the headlights were still bright enough to be legal and the car crapped out right there. Its been sitting since october but today he charged the battery and it started right up. Can anyone shed some light on this problem???
    JSharpe1213, Jan 13, 2012
  2. JSharpe1213

    louis gravel

    Nov 13, 2015
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    ok your alternator does not charge the car. if the alternator was tested, then it is the alternator wire. probably some wire are ground, and will explain why you pull 16 amp.
    So check your wire from the alternator, of course you need to be 100% SURE the alternator is ok. Inside the alternator there is diode that preventing the battery to be drain when the car is not working. what you could do is disconnect all the alternator wire and see if the battery will drain again. if it not drain , then the alternator is fault. If it is still drain, then the wire are the problem.
    louis gravel, Nov 13, 2015
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