2003 Tib Start Problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by SinCityX, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. SinCityX

    SinCityX Guest

    My 03 Tiburon V6 6 speed will not start. I jumped the car and went
    directly to a local auto store and bought a new battery. When I got it
    in, I turn my key to being to start the car and all my lights dim real
    low/off. They eventually come back up but if I hit the brake, all
    lights go off. The store brought out another battery, same type, and
    the same thing happens. Cables are good, connections are good. This is
    the correct type of battery for my model of car but for some reason, it
    will not even build enough juice to start. PLEASE HELP. The dealership
    in Abilene is HELL & I don't want to go back.
    SinCityX, Jan 23, 2007
  2. It sounds like a short somewhere is draining the electrical system. The
    first thing I'd do is to pull the alternator and have it tested.
    Brian Nystrom, Jan 23, 2007
  3. SinCityX

    Hyundaitech Guest

    Either the batteries are discharged or there’s a problem with a
    voltage drop in your car’s power or ground system. Take the battery
    back to the supplier and ask them to check it. If it checks good, the
    problem is most likely with the car
    Hyundaitech, Jan 25, 2007
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