Does your model have the heated mirrors? (not sure if they all do,
mine does) If so, it can be a little tricky If you are really good at
working on cars you should be OK. My brother replaced my heated mirror
on my Dodge and it took some time. I never did it on my Sonata so I
can't tell you about this model. How much did this replacement mirror
cost? (in U.S.)
Thanks for your reply. Yep, mine are the heated mirrors so I was a bit
worried about what that side of the replacement equation would entail. I
originally looked online at a bunch of "wholesale" replacement mirrors
web sites whose prices ranged from 21.95 - 27.95 + shipping, but none of
them ever had any in stock or told me they were discontinued. Actually,
the web sites all seemed to be a from for the same company anyway.
I managed to get a replacement for 21.95 + tax here in Chicago from
Pilsen Auto Glass on Western Avenue. They ordered it for me and it came
in about 2 days. It seems to be a pre-cut from some aftermarket
replacement outfit (don't have the box in front of me so I don't know
the name). I think it's still better than the $176 my dealership was
asking to replace it. $55 for the part and $120 for the labor. Is that a
joke or what? For 21.95 I can't complain. Even if the mirrors don't heat
when I'm done with it, I refuse to get whacked with a $176 charge for a
$21 part. It's just ridiculous. Cheers.
- Pavlov
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