2002 Sonata Brakes

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by john246, May 10, 2006.

  1. john246

    john246 Guest

    HELP!!!..today while making only left turns and braking, it sounded like
    something rattling or a squeeking sound coming from the left rear tire..I
    had the sonata at the dealer 2 weeks ago & he said that I soon would need
    brakes,,could this be the problem..I have an appt. at a local garage
    tomorrow to check them (the brakes), is there anything else that it coudl
    be,,this noise just started yesterday..plaease let me know
    john246, May 10, 2006
  2. john246

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Sure, it could be your brakes, especially since you've already had
    someone tell you that they need replacement.

    Matt Whiting, May 11, 2006
  3. john246

    HVAC fella Guest

    Its most likely the audible brake pad indicators which occurs when the
    pads have worn down sufficiently and are in need of replacing.
    HVAC fella, May 11, 2006
  4. john246

    Mike Marlow Guest

    So - one repair facility has told you that you were in need of brake work
    soon, you subsequently developed problems in that very area, and you've
    taken the well-advised path of having another garage take a look, which will
    happen in a day. Why the HELP, ASAP? Looks like if this independent garage
    confirms the dealer's comments you still won't trust that.
    Mike Marlow, May 11, 2006
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