2002 Hyundai Sonata..

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by EGONZO1212, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. EGONZO1212

    EGONZO1212 Guest

    I recently put up a post Re: (CODES) but I forgot to mention the make of
    my Hyundai its a 2002 Sonata, re: the P1154 H02S and Power Steering Leak
    problem, can something be done to secure the leak? Or am I stuck replacing
    the entire hose thingy? Also what can be done to fix the code problems? P
    1154 I found out stands for Transition Time Ratio, and H02S stands for
    Heated Oxygen Sensor. How do I fix this???
    EGONZO1212, Jul 15, 2007
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