2001 Accent GlS Man. Trans Fluid

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by D_LO, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. D_LO

    D_LO Guest

    I have had people tell me that the fluids in a manual car does not need
    changing. Is that true? I have about 108000 on my 2001 accent no major
    trouble as of yet (knock on wood) My dealership closed that i used to
    goto and the closest one has rude a$$ service Techs.
    D_LO, Jun 8, 2006
  2. D_LO

    hyundaitech Guest

    I don't recall the interval specified in the owner's manual, so you should
    check. If it were my car, I'd do it every 30k.
    hyundaitech, Jun 8, 2006
  3. D_LO

    D_LO Guest

    D_LO, Jun 8, 2006
  4. D_LO

    Mike Marlow Guest

    In a standard transmission???
    Mike Marlow, Jun 8, 2006
  5. D_LO

    D_LO Guest

    yes 5 speed
    D_LO, Jun 8, 2006
  6. D_LO

    Matt Whiting Guest

    That's nuts, but it's your money to waste. That's like changing
    synthetic engine oil at 2,000 mile intervals.

    Matt Whiting, Jun 8, 2006
  7. D_LO

    Mike Marlow Guest

    No kiddin'. It's a manual tranny for Pete's sake. I'm curious why
    hyundaitech suggested it. He is usually well thought out, or speaking from
    observed experience.
    Mike Marlow, Jun 8, 2006
  8. D_LO

    Finn Guest

    I did my elantra every 24 months or 40,000 KM
    Finn, Jun 8, 2006
  9. D_LO

    hyundaitech Guest

    30k is just what I'd do on my car. Why? Because it's cheap and I think
    it's a good interval. Just like I change my coolant every year. But
    that's me.

    Once upon a time, the recommended interval was 30k, but I'm remembering
    from cars made 15 years ago. Bottom line, you're only required to do what
    the manual says.
    hyundaitech, Jun 8, 2006
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