2000 Accent Problems

Discussion in 'Hyundai Accent' started by tinkapark, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. tinkapark

    tinkapark Guest

    Hey Guys,

    For the past year or so, when I go out to start my car after it has
    been sitting overnight or for 8+ hours, it will start, but immediatley
    after, the engine starts rumbling and misfiring ALOT (I'm talking like
    the whole front end is shaking), and usually the car will die after
    5-6 seconds of this. The second time starting it, it is fine. It does
    this every morning religiously in hot or cold weather. I had it taken
    in to a friend of mine's shop, but he couldn't fix the problem. Any
    ideas? Also in the morning, when I am backing up and turning the
    wheel, I hear a very loud squeaking noise from a belt, and when I put
    it in drive to go forward, it is VERY LOUD for a few seconds until the
    wheel has straightened and I have driven forward for 5-6 seconds.
    When my car is in park and the engine is on, and I turn my wheel all
    the way to the right or the left, I also hear a very loud squeaking
    from a belt Now, sometimes sitting at a red light, I can hear a slight
    squeak every 4-5 seconds. Any help would be appreciated!

    tinkapark, Nov 20, 2007
  2. tinkapark

    hyundaitech Guest

    Someone knowledgeable and competent will need to investigate the misfire.
    It could be caused by ignition, fuel delivery, or mechanical problems.
    Most misfire issues are caused by ignition problems, but the fact that you
    don't mention any misfires after the car warms a little leads me to believe
    that there may be some other problem here.

    Your squealing is most likely due to a loose alternator/water pump belt.
    hyundaitech, Nov 20, 2007
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