hi, I'm doing a head job on a 1998 Sonata 2.0 and I found a steel tub
laying under car on shop floor, about 3 inches long and 1/4 inch thic
with a pinhole orifice on one side and open on other side. Looks almos
like it's for a vacuum line. concerned it might be for oil flow becaus
head is back on engine but I still have to hook every thing up. An
ideas out there.... tomorrow I will try to get a good pic of it an
attach it to this thread unless someone knows for sure what it is
thanks guys joey m..............
laying under car on shop floor, about 3 inches long and 1/4 inch thic
with a pinhole orifice on one side and open on other side. Looks almos
like it's for a vacuum line. concerned it might be for oil flow becaus
head is back on engine but I still have to hook every thing up. An
ideas out there.... tomorrow I will try to get a good pic of it an
attach it to this thread unless someone knows for sure what it is
thanks guys joey m..............