1998 Ford Windstar 3.8 engine

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JTB, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. JTB

    JTB Guest

    I want to chg. my spark plugs. The three under the hood are easy to get at.
    How difficult to chg. the other three. It looks like I will have to get
    under the car to get the other three. Can I use my car ramps? How
    difficult to get at?

    Thank u very much.
    JTB, Dec 1, 2004

  2. I didn't know Hyundai had a model called the "Ford Windstar".... do you know
    if the 3.8 litre engine is available in the Accent? 'Cause that would kick


    Neil J. Hubbard, Dec 1, 2004
  3. JTB

    hyundaitech Guest

    It'll only be good until the head gaskets start leaking coolant.
    hyundaitech, Dec 1, 2004
  4. JTB

    what Guest

    I'd like to have that Pontiac GTO engine in my XG350
    what, Dec 3, 2004
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