1992 hyundai fuel system

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by lilbrother9231, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. could someone please help me? where is the fuel pump located on my car? and
    is there a reset switch in the trunk that i could push to reset the fuel
    pump? the other day i was driving down the road and the car started to stall
    as though it was running out of gas. there was a half of tank of gas in it.
    when i tried to restart it , it would turn over but it acted as though it was
    not getting any gas. i could not smell gas either, after i pumpumped the
    pedal. or could it be something else? thank you for your help.

    stressed out
    in ohio
    lilbrother9231, Jul 25, 2006
  2. lilbrother9231

    hyundaitech Guest

    The fuel pump is in the fuel tank, and there is no reset switch.

    What model Hyundai and engine do you have?
    hyundaitech, Jul 25, 2006
  3. How old?
    If it has fuel filter, may be plugged.
    Seamus J. Wilson
    Seamus J. Wilson, Jul 25, 2006
  4. Yes, and the fuel filter would be a good (and inexpensive) place to start.
    Even if you replace it, and that turns out not to be the problem, you are
    out nothing, as the filter needs replacing from time to time.

    But, sad to say, I'm afraid it sounds like it's sayonara (sp??) on that fuel

    If there is a way the fuel pump can be accessed (many sedans have a port
    that can be accessed through the rear seat or in the trunk), it's not too
    bad of a job. If the fuel tank needs to be dropped, it's gonna take some
    work and expense to replace.

    Hope it all works out.

    Tom Wenndt
    Rev. Tom Wenndt, Jul 25, 2006
  5. lilbrother9231

    sqdancerLynn Guest

    Have you checked the timing belt ???
    Or checked the fuel pressure
    sqdancerLynn, Jul 27, 2006
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