04 Elantra Airbag Problem, Class Action Suit

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by TImothy A. Roy, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. A lawfirm that found my site http://www.elantraairbag.com contacted me today
    and wants people to contact them about gathering info to investigate the 04
    elantra air bag problem. Please visit my site and visit the links section
    to get the phone number to call these laywers. If you know anyone with an
    04 Elantra then please pass the word on.
    TImothy A. Roy, Sep 7, 2004
  2. TImothy A. Roy

    Pete & Cindy Guest

    is this just a problem in the US model of the 04 Elantra??? I have a 2004
    Elantra GT, but it was purchased in canada.. I see no warning light below
    where you turn on the 4 way flasher... to indicate a problem with the
    airbag in the front passanger seat.. my 10 year old son sits in the front
    quite often.. and I see no warning lights what so ever. is this just in the
    US models???

    Pete & Cindy, Sep 9, 2004
  3. TImothy A. Roy

    somebody Guest

    wow...i thought it was everywhere they told children under 13 not to sit in
    the front seat if it had an airbag...
    somebody, Sep 9, 2004
  4. Busy making a religion out of hating Hyundai are we?
    screwtape iii, Sep 9, 2004
  5. Gee, what a surprise that some ambulance chasers crawled out from under
    a rock to take up your cause. I'm sure they're salivating all over
    Just another jerk with dollar signs dancing in his head.
    Brian Nystrom, Sep 10, 2004
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