0 (0/0) Scan tool use on Eantra

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by sofaspud, Aug 12, 2003.

  1. sofaspud

    sofaspud Guest

    Recently bought this nifty tool:


    Works fine. Thing is, I know little (alright, nuthin') about autos/engines
    /mechanics (hey, I could barely drive). Anyway, if anyone out there
    uses this or similiar scanner, can you point me to guide/site/whatever
    that would explain (in lay terms preferably) the descriptions of the various
    sensor data (screenshots: http://www.scantool.net/screenshots_features.htm)
    AND what "good" values should be for an '02 elantra? TIA
    sofaspud, Aug 12, 2003
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